12 Best Practices to Boost Your TikTok Ad Performance | Tinuiti (2024)


12 Best Practices to Boost Your TikTok Ad Performance | Tinuiti (1)

By Tinuiti Team

12 Best Practices to Boost Your TikTok Ad Performance | Tinuiti (2)

TikTok has been downloaded a whopping 3.5 billion times globally, and the app has 30.8 million active daily users on the iOS version alone. That all adds up to a ton of consumers eager for consumable content — your brand’s content included.

If you’re ready to take advantage of TikTok trends and expand your business’s reach, you’ve come to the right post. We’re going to dive into 12 best practices for advertisers on TikTok, and provide some actionable tips to help get your strategy started today.

Ready to Dominate TikTok? Follow These 12 Best Practices

Creating a TikTok ad that users genuinely enjoy will require you to think outside of what tends to perform on other social media channels. TikTok’s audience is young, casual, and eager to swipe away if your content doesn’t catch their interest – to keep them watching, try following these best practices:

1. Set measurable performance goals

A strategic TikTok ad push starts with setting performance goals that are specific and measurable. You can find potential advertising objectives in your TikTok Ads Manager account, with goals like driving traffic to a specific URL, maximizing ad impressions or collecting leads.

Beyond the platform’s built-in performance goals, remember to measure the performance of your creative assets. TikTok is a highly visual platform, so ensure you have the analytical capabilities to understand which videos, filters, or sounds are most appealing to your audience.

12 Best Practices to Boost Your TikTok Ad Performance | Tinuiti (3)

2. Stay aware of trends and subcultures

From popular dances to the most-used sounds and filters, TikTok is all about trends. In addition to piggybacking off movements, like getting your team to do that unforgettable Meghan Trainor Gucci routine, you should also use hashtags to appeal to the TikTok algorithm and increase the likelihood your ads will end up in front of new audiences.

TikTok hashtags play a crucial role in categorizing video content, making it easily discoverable for users seeking specific topics. These hashtags primarily originate from user-generated content, allowing users to explore and find additional relevant videos.

Hashtags are great for:

  • Monitoring the trending discussions on TikTok within your industry or region
  • Discovering opportunities for your brand to engage and contribute to conversations
  • Finding pertinent hashtags related to your business or interests

Hot Tip: Keep in mind that brands cannot use hashtags in a traditional paid approach, only in Challenges & Branded Hashtags

The importance of staying on trend is one way that advertising on TikTok differs from other social media platforms. While Facebook has traditionally relied on pay-for-play models with hashtags and trending content having little to do with where and how often ads show up, TikTok is all about user-generated content (UGC). You’ll be better positioned for marketing success if your content builds on existing trends while encouraging your audience to join in

“Browsing TikTok’s Creative Center is crucial in understanding how brands can leverage hashtag analytics within ad creative. Inside the trends subsection, marketers can observe trending hashtags and even sort by industry allowing a brand to position ad creative and copy to align with current platform trends.”

Jake King, Senior Art Director at Tinuiti

3. Partner with creators

Your marketing potential will grow exponentially if you join forces with a TikTok influencer. They can help you get traction in a new-to-you niche or dip your toes into content types that aren’t in your arena of expertise. You can research and evaluate individual influencers via TikTok’s Creator Marketplace, or connect with an influencer marketing agency to quickly find your perfect match.

12 Best Practices to Boost Your TikTok Ad Performance | Tinuiti (4)

Creator benefits include:

  • Sorting Creators based on their popularity, number of followers, and engagement, providing insights into who is connecting effectively with users
  • Easily recognizing potential Creators you might want to team up with for collabs and content partnerships

Hot tip: When selecting creators to work with, take into account your target consumers and the diverse forms of representation they identify with, including gender, sizes, and cultures. Ensure that your consumers can see themselves, quite literally, with your product. Embracing inclusivity and representation in your creative will foster a stronger connection with your audience and enhance the relatability of your brand.

4. Create videos for full-screen vertical viewing

TikTok’s feeds are all vertically oriented, and your videos should be too. TikTok users aren’t going to rotate their devices or find a magnifying glass to take in your visual masterpiece. And this bit of advice isn’t just for aesthetic purposes, either — vertical videos have 40.1% more impressions compared to videos shot using a square or horizontal aspect ratio.

5. Keep variety and visual appeal top of mind

While a one-shot ad spot may be the easiest type to film, it’s not what TikTok users want to see. Videos that use a variety of visually appealing set-ups, including B-roll and transition footage, see over 40% more impressions. For brands, variety is even more important: 99% of top-performing ecommerce videos on the app use multiple video settings and angles.

“Data shows introducing multiple people and switching between angles outperforms ad creative with a sole individual. Additionally, brands should add variable product nuances as an added benefit (e.g. Showing multiple color or style variants of the same product).”

Jake King, Senior Art Director at Tinuiti

6. Create short and sweet videos

Size matters, but maybe not in the way you think. With TikTok videos, less is more. Viewers need to be hooked immediately – and if your video begins to bore them, they’re going to swipe in search of their next dopamine rush. For that reason, TikTok (and Tinuiti) recommend shorter videos, with important messaging presented up front.

Hot Tip: Many top-performing videos fall within the range of 20 to 40 seconds, striking the right balance between engagement and brevity. Given today’s shorter attention spans, aim to keep your TikTok ad around 30 seconds long. Use this time thoughtfully to highlight the product’s beauty, functionality, details, and unique benefits. Remember, every second counts in making a compelling impact on TikTok.

When creating videos, TikTok recommends following a script structure. While script structures can vary, it’s important to always remember to keep your target audience in mind. An example of a script structure could look like this:

The Hook

The initial 3-6 seconds of your ad hold immense significance and influence. Utilize this timeframe effectively by captivating your target audience with an attention-grabbing hook tailored to their interests. This opening is what will motivate them to continue watching your ad.

The Key Message

Now that you’ve captured their attention, it’s time to deliver your Key Message. This message should convey your product’s selling points in a clear and concise manner. Always keep your audience in mind, considering what feels authentic to their lifestyles, interests, and priorities.

The Call to Action

Finally, encourage them to take action with specific instructions. Whether you want them to click a link, visit a store, or purchase a particular product, communicate that action clearly and memorably. Ensure that your audience knows precisely how to proceed with your next steps.

“Consider utilizing TikTok’s Script Generator within the Creative Center as a starting point for your narrative. Determined by your industry and product details – the generator will export custom VO scripts along with on-screen visual and text recommendations.”

Jake King, Senior Art Director at Tinuiti

7. Center your brand and CTA

Don’t get lost in the sauce. As fun as TikTok trends and influencer partnerships are, you still need to keep your brand and CTA center stage. As we mentioned above, viewers should have a clear next step in mind after watching your ad. TikTok’s clickable CTAs help move things along by giving you the ability to lead consumers to a shopping deal, special offer, location finder and more.

8. Always add captions

Adding captions to support visual and auditory messages allows users who can’t have their sound on to understand what you’re trying to convey. It also builds on the story you’re telling by adding facts and expanding the narrative and makes room for hashtags, user tags and pithy language that users can easily connect to.

9. Balance entertainment and promotion

Entertainment-related content accounts for some 535 billion hashtag views on TikTok, but ads are about sales. How can you reconcile the two? It’s all about balance. Use entertaining elements to get audiences engaged, then sprinkle in promotional content that soft sells users on your product or brand. If you’re new to TikTok, you might kick-start your account with more entertainment-based ads, then ramp up the useful promotional content (think how-tos and interactive videos) once consumers are more familiar with what you offer.

Hot tip: For optimal results, concentrate on featuring only one product in each video. In cases where you want to showcase multiple products, limit the number to a max of three. This ensures that key points remain clear, and your audience maintains their interest throughout the video. Keeping the focus on a select few products will increase the impact of your message.

10. Keep things light hearted and fun

Your content should focus on being fun, engaging, memorable and relatable. If consumers enjoy engaging with your brand, the TikTok algorithm will show your content to them more often – increasing the likelihood that they’ll follow your account or take a desired action.

If you need some ideas, here are some examples of TikTok content that can help you connect in a lighthearted way:

  • Play with green screen capabilities
  • Do a TikTok challenge
  • Show a fast-forward “day in the life” at your company
  • Test out a viral life hack related to your niche
  • Duet, Stitch, or live react to user-generated content about your products
12 Best Practices to Boost Your TikTok Ad Performance | Tinuiti (5)

11. Include catchy sounds

TikTok is full of sound snippets you can leverage while making your own content. Two popular options are licensed music tracks (used with permission, of course) and voiceovers from other content creators that you can lip sync to while adding your own spin. Over 93% of top-performing videos use audio — just remember to add captions for those viewers sneaking a peek at their FYP during quiet time.

Sound benefits include:

  • Easily keeping track of trending or emerging popular music
  • Identifying songs suitable for your organic or paid TikTok strategies
  • Discovering similar, royalty-free music options available in the Commercial Music Library for easy use

12. Engage in creative testing

The only way to know whether you’re running the best ads for your business is to continually test new creative approaches. Mix up content styles, production techniques, sounds and influencer contributions. If you’re just getting started, try TikTok’s Automated Creative Optimization to get ideas of which creative assets are driving engagement on the app.

Hot tip: You can also take a look at TikTok’s Creative Center, a free, public-facing website serving as a one-stop shop for TikTok creative resources. With this tool at your disposal, you can create better videos with help from today’s latest trend data, music, and insights.

However, if you want to understand how your videos impact behavior throughout your entire marketing funnel, you should consider working with a performance creative agency.

“Ad testing should be key within your creative approach. In the world of TikTok, what works well for one brand is most certainly not a one-size-fits-all approach. Especially considering what will resonate with your audience can be vastly segmented.”

Jake King, Senior Art Director at Tinuiti

Budgeting Best Practices for TikTok Ads

Now comes the big question: How much does it cost to execute on all these tips and best practices? Well, it depends.

Like many other paid media channels, TikTok ads are purchased through an auction process. Brands can set a budget, choose an audience, select a bidding strategy, and TikTok will automatically serve advertisem*nts based on those parameters. This is why it’s so important to clearly define your audience – if you can reach an audience that’s relatively untapped by other advertisers, using TikTok ads won’t break the bank.

However, if you’re looking to estimate how much a TikTok ad will cost, here’s a general idea:

  • Most campaigns require a minimum daily or lifetime budget of $50, but specific ad groups only require a daily minimum budget of $20
  • Conversion-focused or app install campaigns require a minimum budget of $100
  • Your initial budget should be about 20 * your target CPA
  • Using “Promote” on an existing post starts at a $10 CPM (cost per thousand impressions)
  • A Brand Takeover, which shows your ad to a large group of users when they open the app, costs about $50,000 to $100,000 per day

Frequently Asked Questions About TikTok Ads

Before you start crafting your TikTok ads, here are some questions that clients tend to ask:

What video ad specs does TikTok use?

TikTok prefers videos that fit the following specs:

  • Aspect ratio of 9:16, 1:1, or 16:9
  • Resolution of 720 x 1280, 640 x 640, or 1280 x 720
  • Length up to :60 seconds (TikTok recommends less than :22 but this comes with testing what is right for your unique brand)
  • MP4, AVI, MOV, or MPEG file type that’s less than 500 MB

Check out this article for more information on TikTok specs.

Which TikTok ad formats can I use?

Two of the most popular TikTok ad formats are Spark Ads and in-feed ads, but you can also take advantage of TikTok’s Brand Takeovers, Branded Hashtag Challenges, TopView ads (these videos can be up to a minute long and appear at the top of user’s FYP feeds), and other promotional options like Branded Effects.

Which is better: Paid or organic TikTok ads?

Both paid and organic TikTok ads can deliver big results. Which avenue you choose depends on your goals. Organic reach is better for long-term objectives, such as building a community and forging relationships with consumers. Paid ads are more effective when you want to push time-sensitive information and boost sales quickly.

“A paid approach in TikTok provides several advantages over relying solely on organic growth. Paid allows brands to precisely target, allowing you to reach a much wider audience. Paid will also provide better control over a brand’s reach and engagement metrics. While organic growth is important to build a genuine following, the paid approach will accelerate a brand’s exposure and drive immediate results.”

Jake King, Senior Art Director at Tinuiti

Can I repurpose content from other channels for TikTok?

In an ideal setting, it’s best practice to avoid repurposing video content from other channels like YouTube or Instagram. The user interface of TikTok is different, meaning that important information might be obscured by buttons or captions. Additionally, users are looking for different types of content on either platform. While an ad on Instagram should look sleek and professional, it’s better if your TikTok ads are a little more scrappy.

If you’re working with a tighter budget or have bandwidth concerns, it’s fine to reformat existing creative to work within channel nuances. These days, vertical video has very similar safe-zones across platforms so your video should transfer properly should you need to repurpose.


TikTok is massively popular, which means it has similarly massive potential as a marketplace for advertisers eager to reach out to trend-hungry consumers. While resonating with TikTok’s volatile (but discerning) audience can be challenging, these best practices should help you take steps in the right direction.

Ready to get started? To make the most of your time, energy and budget, check out Tinuiti’s Paid Social and Creative Services and see how our experts can help you take your next big step.

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12 Best Practices to Boost Your TikTok Ad Performance | Tinuiti (2024)


12 Best Practices to Boost Your TikTok Ad Performance | Tinuiti? ›

Create at least five different creatives for each ad group — it'll reduce the chances you bore your target audience, or even worse, cause ad fatigue. The platform recommends not using the same creative for more than a week. Try to feature inexpensive products under $50 that users can purchase more impulsively.

How can I improve my TikTok ads performance? ›

Create at least five different creatives for each ad group — it'll reduce the chances you bore your target audience, or even worse, cause ad fatigue. The platform recommends not using the same creative for more than a week. Try to feature inexpensive products under $50 that users can purchase more impulsively.

What are the best practices for TikTok advertising? ›

TikTok ad specs

Keep in-feed ad content well-framed with your product in clear view. Ensure that captioning elements don't overlap with your CTA, your body copy, or the engagement buttons on the right side of the screen. TikTok video ads should always be vertically oriented and uploaded in the highest resolution.

How do I make my TikTok ad go viral? ›

How to Make Your TikTok Ad Go Viral
  1. Know Your Target Audience. First things first, you need to know who you're trying to reach. ...
  2. Grab Attention Right Away. ...
  3. Create a Connection. ...
  4. Make It Visual. ...
  5. Use Strategic Sounds and Hashtags. ...
  6. Show, Don't Tell. ...
  7. Partner Up. ...
  8. Test, Tweak, Repeat.
May 25, 2024

Why is my TikTok ad underperforming? ›

If your target audience is too broad, people on TikTok may find your ads irrelevant and refuse to interact with them. This can lower the relevance score of your ads, as more competitive advertisers could be winning the auction. However, if the audience is too narrow, the ad may struggle to deliver.

How to get high CTR TikTok ads? ›

How to improve TikTok CTR?
  1. Create compelling content. To enhance the Click-through rate, you must ensure the content of your TikTok ad is visually appealing and engaging to capture the attention of your target audience. ...
  2. Target the right audience. ...
  3. Optimize your ad. ...
  4. Use influencer or affiliate marketing. ...
  5. Monitor and adjust.
Oct 31, 2023

How do I get more sales on TikTok ads? ›

Use Ad Hooks & The 3 Second Rule

The first three seconds of your TikTok video ads are crucial. If you don't capture the user's attention within this time, you've probably lost them and are less likely to have your ads reach a wider audience.

How to get 1000 views on TikTok? ›

How to get more views on TikTok videos?
  1. Know your audience. ...
  2. Add hashtags to your TikTok videos. ...
  3. Leverage trends on the 'For You' page. ...
  4. Grab and hold the viewer's attention. ...
  5. Use trending music or sounds in videos. ...
  6. Duet or collaborate with other TikTok users. ...
  7. Upload multiple times a day. ...
  8. Keep your videos short.
May 27, 2024

How effective are TikTok ads? ›

Specifically, for TikTok, research conducted by its Marketing Science unit suggests 50% of the impact from a TikTok ad is realized in the first 2 seconds, and the first 6 seconds capture 90% cumulative impact on Ad Recall and around 80% for Awareness.

How do I find best performing TikTok ads? ›

You can find top TikTok ads in TikTok's Creative Center, located at ads.tiktok.com. From the home page, hover over Inspiration, then select Top Ads Dashboard to see top-performing ads.

How to make your ads more engaging? ›

Here are tips to improve the effectiveness of your creative:
  1. Play. ...
  2. Shorten text: People on Facebook and Instagram scan quickly. ...
  3. Add multiple images using the carousel format: Carousel allows you to show several images for people to scroll through at the same cost. ...
  4. Add movement: Ads with movement can stand out in Feed.

What is the best advertising objective for TikTok? ›

  • App promotion: Get more people to install and take desired actions in your app cost effectively.
  • Lead generation: Collect leads for your business.
  • Website conversions: Drive valuable actions on your website.
  • Product sales: Sell products from your TikTok Shop, website, and app.

How do I optimize my TikTok ads? ›

One of the best ways to optimise your TikTok ads is with TikTok Ads Manager - the platform where you manage your TikTok ads - which offers a wide range of targeting (gender, age, interest, location...) to determine precisely which audience you want to see your ads.

How do you get 100% viral on TikTok? ›

16 ways to go viral on TikTok
  1. Keep up with the latest trends.
  2. Use trending and relevant hashtags.
  3. Spark curiosity.
  4. Use sound to your advantage.
  5. Post consistently and at the right times.
  6. Tell a story.
  7. Interact with your followers.
  8. Interact with other users and posts.

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How to Go Viral on TikTok
  1. Find Your Niche. ...
  2. Invest in Quality Video Recording and Editing Equipment. ...
  3. Grab Your Audience's Attention From The Get-go. ...
  4. Use a Mix of Trending and Niche-relevant Hashtags. ...
  5. Research and Use Keywords. ...
  6. Use Trending Music and Sounds. ...
  7. Keep Your Videos 9 to 15 seconds Long.

Why are my TikTok ads not spending enough? ›

Sometimes, TikTok ads fail to spend due to the selected scheduling settings. If you've specified particular hours for your ads to run, they will only be active during those times. Consequently, you might miss out on valuable impressions if your audience is more active at other times.

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Refresh Rates

TikTok recommends refreshing creatives at least every seven days, although this may vary based on many factors, such as: Budget and Scale: Larger budgets reaching wider audiences may require more frequent updates to avoid saturation and fatigue.

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Reducing TikTok CPM
  1. Know when your audience is active: Take a peek into TikTok analytics or other tools to find out when your audience is most active. Knowing their peak engagement times is key to getting your ad seen.
  2. Experiment with different days and times: Mix it up!
Nov 22, 2023

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.