3D renderings vs moodboards: innovation vs stagnation - Archvyz (2025)

For years, interior designers and decorators have been using mood boards and collages to present their ideas to customers.Mood boardscan be created by hand or on a computer and have been a favourite of professionals and students alike for years. Are you familiar with the newest industry practices that are replacing boring old mood boards with new high-tech tools? Mood boards are slowly being replaced by3D renderings because they are extremely useful, practical and aesthetically pleasing. Discover the advantages and disadvantages of these two tools.

The advantages of the moodboard

  • Mood boards include real-life objects. With a mood board, customers can clearly visualize real-life objects. Customers can physically touch a variety of samples: materials, door handles, fabric swatches, etc.
  • Mood boards make things easier. When you present a mood board to your customer, you are making it easier for them to understand and grasp the general look and feel of your design. After all, communication is largely non-verbal.
  • Mood boards include all sorts of different materials. When designing a mood board, interior designers can choose from an array of images found online. This makes it easy to suggest alternative pieces of furniture or decorations to really create the right feel for the space.

The disadvantages of the moodboard

  • Moodboards only show one angle. All of the images on a moodboard are static and only provide one point of view. It’s impossible to turn around or flip an object to get the full picture.
  • Moodboards can’t mimic lighting. In real life, rooms can be lit in several different ways: natural lighting, artificial lighting, night lighting, etc. Collages and mood boards cannot imitate any form of lighting.
  • Moodboards lack realism. By piecing together static images from different sources, the interior designer is unable to bring all of the elements together to make the space feel realistic. Continuity can be a problem and cause the customer’s imagination to run wild.

The advantages of 3D rendering

  • 3D renderings are comprehensive. Unlike mood boards that bring together separate images, 3D renderings tell the whole story. The customer can then paint a picture in their mind of what the interior design will look like, and nothing is left up to the imagination.
  • 3D renderings prevent confusion and misunderstandings. Customers can clearly see each interior element. 3D renderings promote mutual understanding between all parties so that there are no mix-ups.
  • 3D renderings are realistic. They provide the customer with a static or panoramic overview of the entire project. The customer can move around the room and see the space from several different angles.
  • 3D renderings solidify your professional reputation. On top of being consistent with current market trends, 3D renderings can help establish your professional reputation and convince demanding customers that you know what you’re talking about. 3D renderings may cause you to fall victim to your own success.
  • 3D renderings save time. If you aren’t well-versed in 3D interior renderings and want to save some time, hire a professional 3D agency to do it for you. They can create high-quality designs in no time.

In an increasingly digitalized world, it makes sense that the humble mood board has been replaced by the more modern, realistic and professional 3D rendering. You can easily convince your customers to hop on board and set yourself apart from the competition while still raking in the dough!Contact Archvyz today for all of your 3D rendering needs!

3D renderings vs moodboards: innovation vs stagnation - Archvyz (2025)


What is the difference between mood board and rendering? ›

Traditional mood boards are static collections of images, materials, and textures, offering inspiration but limited interactivity. 3D interior rendering, on the other hand, provides highly detailed and interactive visualizations of the entire space, allowing clients to explore and experience the design.

What are the disadvantages of moodboards? ›

The disadvantages of the moodboard

Moodboards can't mimic lighting. In real life, rooms can be lit in several different ways: natural lighting, artificial lighting, night lighting, etc. Collages and mood boards cannot imitate any form of lighting. Moodboards lack realism.

How and why would designers use mood boards in the creation of new collections? ›

If you're working with a team of people, mood boards are a good way of being able to visually communicate your ideas to multiple people so that everyone is on the same page and knows where to head with that collections. Having a mood board to work with makes the whole process of designing a lot simpler.

What is mood board in architecture? ›

Mood boards are visual tools that help you communicate your architectural concept design to clients, stakeholders, or collaborators. They can showcase the style, mood, color, texture, and inspiration of your design idea, as well as the context, function, and goals of the project.

What is the difference between a mood board and a visual board? ›

Vision boards are more of a direction you want your life to go to, while mood boards are more of your current aesthetic/goals for the time being! I started creating vision boards midway through 2022 and love how they turned out! It's another way of manifesting your goals!

Are moodboards illegal? ›

Agencies May Draw Raw Inspiration from Mood Boards

Directly reproducing a copyrighted work is typically a strong case for copyright infringement. If, like in Hayuk, the work is not a direct reproduction, there should still not be a “substantial similarity” between the two works.

What are the pros and cons of moodboards? ›

There are pros and cons to either one. Physical mood boards can help digital designers think outside the confines of a screen. These can be excellent for projects taking a lot of inspiration from the physical world. But it can also require a lot of printing and a bit more mess to create.

What are the pros and cons of mood board? ›

Pros: A visual approach is likely the fastest, most client-efficient way to showcase design concepts. Mood boards not only save time but allow a more seamless flow of communication between your team and clients. Cons: Unlike other more robust processes, mood boards don't show the detailed timeline of an end project.

Why do designers require a mood board? ›

Mood boards are used early in the design process of a new product or when substantially revising an existing product. For example, they might be created during the Define or Ideate phases in the design-thinking cycle. They help gather consensus on the style of the visuals before designers begin working on prototypes.

Should your moodboard be cohesive with your illustrations and collection? ›

A mood board or inspiration board is a compilation of photos, typography and illustrations, that serves as a guide when you work on a collection. As a surface designer, mood boards are indispensable to ensure that your collection has a cohesive colour palette and flow to the theme.

What program do designers use to make mood boards? ›

Canva. Originally designed to serve as a versatile creative platform, Canva offers a rich collection of mood board templates, making it a preferred choice for both designing and storyboarding.

What is a rendering board? ›

Render carrier boards provide a solid, durable surface that can withstand extreme weathering effects of wind, rain and snow, while providing an impact-resistant barrier. Usually render carrier boards dont rot or swell when they come into contact with water, and can be stored outside.

What are the two types of mood board? ›

There are two types of ad mood boards: digital or physical. It's completely up to you and your working style to choose the one that best fits your marketing campaigns.

What is rendering in decorating? ›

Interior design rendering is the process of creating a three-dimensional model of space as close to reality as possible. Thanks to the use of specialized 3D modeling and visualization programs, simple 2D floor plans are transformed into 3D designs with the most realistic details.

What is the difference between render and plaster board? ›

The plaster mixture contains less cement than render and utilises less coarse sand – this provides a lighter, smoother finish than external render. Both plaster and render are mortar coatings that rest on top of blockwork. However, plaster is not weather resistant, meaning that serves more of a decorative function.

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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.