Apple Pie Oatmeal Breakfast Recipe (2024)

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Apple Pie Oatmeal is the ultimate healthy breakfast comfort food… it tastes just like warm apple pie! This apple pie oatmeal breakfast recipe is easy to make and fun for kids to put what they want in their bowls.Try this family favorite oatmeal recipe today!

Make some oatmeal and turn it into individual oatmeal apple pies with this delicious oatmeal recipe. Children love to make their own apple pie oatmeal!

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Apple Pie Oatmeal Breakfast Recipe (1)

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How to Make Apple Pie Oatmeal

Cook up some oatmeal and prepare a few bowls of goodies to sprinkle on top so everyone can make their apple pie oatmeal just the way they like it. Children love to put what they want into their warm oatmeal apple pies!

Apple Pie Oatmeal Breakfast Recipe Ingredients:

All measurements are approximate – Make apple pie oatmeal to suit your taste. You will need approximately 1/2 cup of oatmeal per person.

How to Cook Oatmeal

Make as much oatmeal that you need to feed the size of your army. As mentioned above, you will need approximately 1/2 cup of dry oatmeal per person.

We like to useOld-Fashioned Quaker OatsApple Pie Oatmeal Breakfast Recipe (6) because they are quick and easy, but feel free to use your favorite brand. If you use another type of oatmeal, make sure you check the cooking directions because they will more than likely be different than the directions that we have provided below.

Use a 2:1 ratio of water to oatmeal. In other words, if you use 2 cups water you will need 1 cup oatmeal if you use 1 cup water and you will need 1/2 cup oatmeal, if you use 3 cups water you will need 1 1/2 cups of oatmeal… you get the idea.

  1. Bring water with a dash of salt to a boil on a stovetop.
  2. Slowly add oats and stir.
  3. Turn down to med-low and cook for 5 minutes uncovered, stirring occasionally.
  4. Allow the oatmeal to sit for 1 minute before serving. Cover after 1 minute to keep warm.

We like to cook our oatmeal in an enameled cast iron potApple Pie Oatmeal Breakfast Recipe (7)Apple Pie Oatmeal Breakfast Recipe (8) to keep it nice and warm once we take it off the stovetop.

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Apple Pie Oatmeal Breakfast Recipe (9)

How to Prepare Apple Pie Oatmeal

While the oatmeal is cooking, prepare the rest of the ingredients and leave them on thecutting boardApple Pie Oatmeal Breakfast Recipe (10)orplace them insmall shatter-resistant bowlsApple Pie Oatmeal Breakfast Recipe (11).

My daughter likes her milk served to her in her own 8 oz canning jarApple Pie Oatmeal Breakfast Recipe (12) both to add to her oatmeal and drink with her breakfast. We think they make the perfect glasses for little hands.

In our house, we place the butter dishApple Pie Oatmeal Breakfast Recipe (13)Apple Pie Oatmeal Breakfast Recipe (14), the cinnamon, and a jug of maple syrupApple Pie Oatmeal Breakfast Recipe (15) on the table. Then we chop up the apples, walnuts, and raisins and leave them on a cutting board or place them into small bowls so that everyone can add whatever they like to their apple pie oatmeal recipe.

By the way… we love these little shatter resistant bowls for everything! They are the perfect bowls for small children, snacks, dessert, and arts and crafts! We have 12 of them and it still isn’t enough!

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Apple Pie Oatmeal Breakfast Recipe (16)

How to Serve Apple Pie Oatmeal

Most kids prefer and love to feel in charge of what goes into their bowls. They have so much fun making their own apple pie oatmeals and you won’t hear any whining about walnuts or raisins in their bowls if they don’t want them.

Of course, you can skip this step and make each oatmeal apple pie yourself if you prefer.

We like to put the butter in first followed by the maple syrup or brown sugar. Next, we add the walnuts, raisins, and apples. Finally, pour in some milk and sprinkle cinnamon on top – yum!

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Apple Pie Oatmeal Recipe Children LOVE!

This apple pie oatmeal recipe is the ultimate healthy breakfast comfort food. It’s both easy to make and fun for kids to put what they want in their bowls.

Enjoy a bowl of apple pie oatmeal today… it tastes just like warm apple pie!

Another healthy kid-friendly breakfast option is a nutrition-packed green smoothie. Learn how to make the BEST tasting green smoothie ever! It’s so good, that even your kids will beg for more!

Don’t forget to check out our apple orchard field trip ideas. Kids love going on an adventure to pick apples and them come home to make oatmeal apple pie, or apple crisp.

You may also like to invite children to sew this fun button apple tree sewing project. This project can help children learn how to sew a button, and, make a beautiful homemade gift at the same time!

Apple Pie Oatmeal Breakfast Recipe (17)

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Apple Pie Oatmeal Breakfast Recipe (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.