Blood & Ravens (The Casket Girls, #1) (2024)

InD'tale Magazine

8,678 reviews329 followers

October 6, 2022

A.D. Brazeau romanticizes and fantasizes the lives of the casquette girls of New Orleans. When Theron develops a conscience, he changes the odds that are so badly stacked against them.

Read full review in the 2022 October issue of InD'tale Magazine.

    2022-october genre-paranormal-urban-fantasy rating-5-star


194 reviews23 followers

May 4, 2022

Blood and Ravens is a historically based paranormal romance novel that has a premise that pulled me in from the very beginning. It is book one in a series. Greer is kidnapped and thrown into a ship and taken to New Orleans where she doesn’t know anything or anyone but she is required upon disembarking the ship to stay at a convent and be pushed into an arranged marriage that she wants nothing to do with. Although she keeps having dreams about a man at her bedside that she can barely remember. Enter Theron, the mysterious man at her bedside who can’t help but want her to notice him. I’m a sucker for the rough, tough bad guy who progresses in the story and ‘changes’ or reveals his heart and he’s really a big softie or he has feelings for ‘the girl’ he’s never had for anyone else before. I did enjoy the writing and the story had me hooked from the beginning and I had trouble putting it down, finishing it all in one night. I am looking forward to other books in the series that I hope include at least a little snippet of an update as to how these two are doing with Greer’s deal with Hades.


5,800 reviews74 followers

May 1, 2022

4.5 Stars

Blood & Ravens is the fantastic first instalment in A.D. Brazeau’s new series ‘The Casket Girls’. I have read a couple of Ms. Brazeau’s books before, but this one is definitely my favourite, so far. It had all the ingredients that I love to find in a great book…
*intriguing premise ….. tick
*wonderful characters who develop and grow over the course of the story ….. tick
*clever and creative world building ….. tick
*an interesting paranormal theme ….. tick
*historical details ….. tick
*a mysteriousness feel ….. tick
*gripping storyline ….. tick
*vampires ….. tick tick tick
*danger and suspense ….. tick
*romance ….. tick
*deliciously dark details ….. tick
*the promise of more exciting instalments ….. tick tick tick
I was intrigued right from the moment I laid eyes on the gorgeous cover, but the story I discovered under that beautiful cover was the real show-stopper. Couldn’t put it down. I need the next instalment STAT!
Happy Reading!

Thank you, A.D. Brazeau!

Erin Knuth

312 reviews7 followers

April 26, 2022

Historically based but with a paranormal twist, Blood & Ravens takes you to 18th century New Orleans, to a creepy convent where more than shadows roam. The book is spooky, thrilling, addicting, with serious Lucy & Dracula vibes.

I love seeing what the author has done with the casket girls, French women who traveled to the US for marriage. The found family and bonds between the women on the journey , at the convent, and as they break free is lovely. I can't wait to see where their stories go. And Greer and Theron? The spirited flower seller and her dark knight? Delicious. The twist at the end? Way to keep us panting for more!

Highly recommend for fans of gothic romance and dark gods.


264 reviews4 followers

July 12, 2022

This book was intriguing from the very beginning. Greer, one of the main characters, is taken forcefully from her home and wakes up on a boat half starved and dirty. The only thing she remembers is a dream of a handsome man who is in the dark not fully seen.

Once docked, Greer finds out that she is a part of a group of women sent to a convent to live their days before an arranged man comes to take them away for marriage. Most women are there willingly. During the night, Greer has another dream about the man she deemed her “Dark Knight”. Coincidentally, another woman had a similar dream with a man visiting her whilst she slept as well.

Suspicion sets in and Greer tries to wake up when she feels the man's presence once more. Sure enough, he is real. As well as countless other men visiting the other women’s cots. The women who have been having nightly visitors are starting to get sick. Greer finds out that these men are vampires and they have been feeding off of the women making them weaker.

Theron, the man Greer deemed as her Dark Knight, is actually a demon cast out by Hades to live his remaining life as one of the soulless vampires. He was once ruthless and had no remorse. After meeting Greer, all that seemed to change. He is attracted to her somehow which he doesn’t understand. Theron lets Greer into the light of the supernatural beings around her. Theron knows that they cannot be but that doesn’t stop them from trying.

I really enjoyed the book. Greer is a headstrong woman who took her life into her own hands regardless out the outcome.


121 reviews4 followers

July 10, 2022

Though I've read fictional works about the Cassquette Girls before, this is definitely up there as one of my favorite interpretations of their tales. At first, I wasn't all that sure of what to expect and was pleasantly surprised to discover there was more to this short story than I had originally guessed. I loved reading and learning about Greek mythology growing up, so it was nice to see a little of that playing in this book. I enjoyed how, though the story itself is short, everything came together at a good pace and held my attention from cover to cover. I'm looking forward to reading the second book in the series now!

May 4, 2022

I loved Greer and Theron. The push and pull between them, and the undeniable chemistry made the story magnetic. Greer was a strong and fierce heroine, and you cant help but fall in love with her character. Theron was very much a dark and broody soul with bad boy vibes. Together they are dark, intense, and fearsome. This was a dark tale I will not forget, and I am eager to continue to see if they couple thrives.

Kerry carr

1,547 reviews17 followers

April 26, 2022

This is a really good read. It is a paranormal romance with other elements that make this book unique and different from other paranormal romances. The author does an amazing job of telling of a story that is dark and confusing at times but also gripping enough to keep the reader engaged and wanting to see what happens.

When Greer is kidnapped from her life in Paris she finds herself transported to a convent, set to marry a man she doesn't know or want to marry. Unwilling to submit to her fate she wants to escape and help her other Casket girls as well. She knows she needs to fight but what she is fighting against comes as a surprise even to her.

Theron has been cursed and kicked out of the underworld. He is sent to live his live as a vampire. He knows there is a plan in place for these Casket girls and the he should involve himself. However when he picks Greer as his meal he realises he's not the cold hearted monster he has been sentenced to be. He actually cares for this girl and he can't explain why.

Now together they are on a mission to save the casket girls from their fate. Theron's main aim is to save Greer from her fate. But with hell, demons, and the underworld to contend with will the force of Greer and Theron be strong enough to over come the obstacles against them?


3,237 reviews14 followers

April 27, 2022

This is an okay story. I liked the idea of it which is why I read it. It seemed very slow at times and became more interesting as the story grew. I liked the ideas about where the casket girls come from. Very different. The characters are likable, easy to understand and follow their agenda’s. Maybe a chapter on Theron’s life as Hades friend then banishment to work for Rook which would bring him to current time and seeing Greer would have helped with his evolution a bit. Instead we hear about bits of it in his thoughts.

The secondary characters are interesting in their own way. The casket girls each have hopes and dreams that have been squished…or have they?

Overall it has potential for a good new series with a paranormal/fantasy element. The thought processes of the characters are done nicely.


Dahnielle Hibbert

212 reviews2 followers

May 11, 2022

Get ready, get set, get gripped!!! This book will hook its claws in and won’t let go until you read every word (and then it may just give you nightmares). Greer is ripped from the home she knows in Paris to be a casket girl in New Orleans. As if that wasn’t enough Greer realizes that all the casket girls, herself included, are being fed on by whatever or whomever sleeps in the casket shaped boxes.
This paranormal romance has everything you could want it to have, including great character, many details, loads of information, action, steam and even a touch on mythology with Hades making himself known. I really enjoyed this story and will be looking forward to the next installment in the series!

    beautifully-written fantasy great-characters

Trish Ann

328 reviews3 followers

April 27, 2022

This book was definitely a little different than what I’ve been reading lately. It did start slow for me. However, the characters of the story are well developed and the plot keeps you invested. It was a nice vampire interpretation mixed with some other depths of mythology. The story did not always pan out the way you think it will which is refreshing from the predictable nature that this genre can have.



1,578 reviews16 followers

July 12, 2022

I love the historical time period of this novel. Love has an amazing job on descriptive work. The characters are easy to read and very likeable. Been forced to marry a man in the convent who's she never met there a danger thst lies beneath.

Madison Eve

138 reviews3 followers

March 23, 2023

3.5 stars

B.B. Florine

64 reviews

June 5, 2022

Gothic New Orleans

I loved the overall ambience of this book. The whole setting, idea and historical time period sucked me in as soon as I heard about it. I’m not going to do a synopsis / recap as that’s been done in many reviews, but I’ll just say that if you enjoy this author’s style of laying a story out there and then gradually pulling you into the characters’ individual stories, you will enjoy this book. It has the darkness, the delicious hints of romance, and the immersive writing that make a fulfilling read in a not so laborious number of pages. Anxiously waiting for more Casket Girls! Bravo!

Roxsanne Lesieur

793 reviews7 followers

May 3, 2022

It is the year 1782 and Greer is a young woman who sells flowers on the streets of Paris, she is independent and earning just enough to scrape by, but she is happy, that is until she is kidnapped and wakes up in New Orleans, she has no memory of how she came to be there, but as she drags her casket shaped trunk to a local convent, where she finds out that she is to marry a man whom the nuns have chosen for her, she is to become a Casket Girl. Theron is a demon who has been cast out of the Underworld and cursed by Hades to live as a vampire for eternity has travelled to New Orleans and found that his chosen food source for the journey is fast becoming something more, but he denies it as vehemently as he can.

As Greer settles in to life within the convent and gets to know the girls she shares the dormitory with, she becomes friends with a couple of them and they band together to find out what has happened to them and why, not to mention the strange dreams of her Dark Knight and how he treats her with a tenderness she has never experienced before. Meanwhile, Theron is trying his hardest to keep from feeling things he has no right to feel about his prey, however, when she wakes and discovers what is happening, he has no choice but to confront her about it, but he struggles to maintain the distance he needs and as more time passes, he realises that he doesn’t want to.

As their predicament becomes clear, Greer tries to convince her friends of what is happening, that the dreams she has been having are real and someone is really feeding off of her and her friends and that they are residing in their casket shaped cases, but as their wedding days draw nearer, they need a plan to escape. However, this path is not without dangers for both Greer and Theron and when they are confronted by Hades himself, will Greer be able to save all those she loves and now holds dear, or will it all end in disaster? This is a paranormal romance with a dark twist as danger lurks around every corner and darkness feeds off light as this dramatic story plays out in the streets of New Orleans, where nothing is as it seems and you are pulled into the twisted world behind the holiest of walls.

Mandy Kim

Author7 books59 followers

May 11, 2022

5/5 Stars

Blood & Ravens: A dark, paranormal romance (The Casket Girls #1) by A.D. Brazeau

This is the first book I've read by the author. Blood and Ravens will have you hooked from the beginning. It's also the first book in The Casket Girls Series.

Greer was living the best she could in Paris. That changes when she's taken off the streets and thrown on a boat. She dreams of this mysterious man and finds that he's real. The quote I chose for Greer is: “My head feels fine. I’m curious about something. The three of you volunteered for this, as did almost everyone else. Why? Why leave your home to find a husband on the other side of the world? You have no idea what you’ll be getting.”

Theron knows he shouldn't fall for his prey, but the little rabbit intrigues him. He wants to get back in Hades' good graces, but that isn't going to work. Now he's feeling things he shouldn't for Greer and that can be dangerous. The quote I chose for Theron is: “Well, you’re right about one thing, your friend is at the end. I told that blasted fool to go easy on her. She’s supposed to last until he can move on to the husband. But you’re wrong if you think you can do anything about it. You, my little rabbit, can’t hurt us. Even if you were at full strength.”

Highly recommended for Vampire Romance lovers.


Vanessa Watts

156 reviews4 followers

May 8, 2022

This was definitely not at all what I expected this book to be about just from the title. I was blown away by all the details and thought out plot that the author put into this book.

I love Greer as the main female character, a fierce protector of those who are important to her, kind to a fault, and stronger than people give her credit for. After being uprooted from her life in Paris and placed among the casket girls set to be married to a complete stranger. Greer makes friends with other casket girls and after feeling as though the dark dreams weren’t really dreams she starts realizing that her friends and herself are nothing more than food from a darkness no one can fathom. Theron who has claimed Greer as his own realizes his own feelings have not only put him in danger but Greer as well. Now facing Hades' wrath , Greer realizes she wants to save Theron but what can she offer to Hades, the god of the underworld? Why is it Theron can’t seem to let go of Greer?

I absolutely loved the mixing of Greek mythology with paranormal beings and how the author flawlessly incorporated them into one delicious story. I could not stop reading this book and now am off to get the second just so I can see what else happens! I am hooked and if you like paranormal romances with action and intrigue I think you will be too. This is definitely a must read!

Karyn Taylor

734 reviews2 followers

May 7, 2022

This is an excellent paranormal romance by an author I had never read before. I’ve recently started reading more paranormal romance and I was attracted by the blurb of this book, so decided to give the author a chance. I’m glad that I took the chance as I really liked this book very much.
Set in 1782 in New Orleans, Greer had been happily selling flowers on the streets of Paris when she was kidnapped and put on a boat filled with other women and taken to Paris to stay in a convent until they were married off.
I loved reading Greer and Theron’s story. Women at that time we supposed to be meek and subservient. Greer was very much the opposite – sassy, opinionated and not scared to get into trouble. Theron could not help the attraction he felt towards her, even though she was supposedly just a thing for him to feed on.
I really enjoyed reading about the secondary characters in the book, the girls that Greer befriended on the boat journey over and at the convent. I particularly liked Desiree and hope we get to see more of her in this series. I admit I wasn’t too enamoured with Edith but she may be redeemed in time…or not.
This is a great book and I look forward to reading more of this series in the future.

Mercedes Jones

67 reviews2 followers

May 16, 2022

This book was a great read. The main character, Greer, was very interesting to get to know. This book has twists and turns that keep you guessing and leaves you wanting to read more. I can’t wait to read the rest of this series. Seriously, this book left me wanting more. I could not put it down! If you’re looking for a book that involves supernatural, love, mystery, and friendship, then this is the book for you!

Christen Ware

45 reviews1 follower

April 27, 2022

4/5 stars
Blood and Ravens by A.D. Brazeau

The start of the Casket Girls Series submerges you into a realm where the supernatural lurk just beneath the surface, ready to pounce at any moment. Greer, the steadfast and strong-willed woman of the hour, find herself in the midst of an unraveled life that continues to be further unwound by secrets, a dark haired knight, and far more than just a few twists and turns. She and the other “casket girls” have to find their way in a new land, deal with a forced marriage, and learn to survive even when some seem to be dying. Fueled by rage and confusion, Greer finds herself deeper than she thinks, and ends up in the midst of something much larger than she could’ve ever imagined.

When her dark knight no longer seems so knightly, Greer presses harder into the secrets of the world. She uncovers the mystery that is Theron, her dark haired and even darker-eyed love interest that has the possibility to lead her into the same exile and damnation that he has riddled himself with. When the tension begins to build, both between Greer and Theron and between the normal and supernatural world, the pair must fight through hellish demons that rival the nightmares of the Earth. The stubborn and feisty natured group of females that had once been shivering and timid as they were torn from their homes wreak havoc on the supernatural. The reader is left rooting for the morally gray villain, and a love story that didn’t begin as one.

Just when you think that another turn isn’t possible, you get thrown into a different direction, following at the heels of the fated pair. Their draw to one another is of pure intoxication, and it is all the reader can do to stay on their heels as they uncover more and more of a dark past. Demons, vampires, and even facing hell itself tries to tear apart the lovely duo, but bonds forged in blood are scarcely broken. Greer’s life will never be the same, and the world is in wake of the to be told stories of the other casket girls. The words flew over the pages for this read, and it is safe to say that the next book is awaited in hungry anticipation.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.

Darla Yocom

131 reviews1 follower

April 26, 2022

5 out of 5 stars

This was a beautifully written paranormal fantasy book 1 of this series.

I need to start by saying if I could give this more than 5 out of 5 stars, I would. I’m a huge paranormal/fantasy fan so I was hoping the first book in this series would be a bit interesting and needless to say, it blew me away. I stopped all other books that I was reading so I could solely focus on this one and I finished in less than two days (I had to sleep)!!

The book cover was dark and stunning. From the start, I was intrigued by Greer and her unfortunate circ*mstances. She started out as a timid wallflower who often went unnoticed except something caught the eye of a dark and mysterious stranger. She finds herself on a boat traveling with other young women like herself to New Orleans, but in her situation, she has no recollection of how she got there.

Soon her new journey was filled with bizarre vivid dreams, a mysterious illness, a group of nuns who we quickly learn have absolutely no maternal instincts whatsoever, cryptic instructions advising each individual young woman that they must exchange their ticket for their cassette (suitcase), and that they would soon be married off to unknown men. Nothing about this arrangement makes you think the girls will have a promising future. Yet, you soon learn that most of them have the courage to sense to work together and try to devise a plan to find out if their futures have something else in store for them.

You meet the dark and enigmatic Theron who is a tortured individual struggling with a new sense of reality and trying to come to terms with his inability to return home. He’s drawn to Greer and her inner essence which causes an overflow of confusion, feelings, etc - all things he isn’t used to.

As the story grows, so does the arc for both Theron and Greer. I think their background and future story could definitely continue and expand in future books if the author chooses to stick with them.

This was an enjoyable story and I look forward to reading book two.

Jennifer Reimer

231 reviews5 followers

May 10, 2022

This book is different from what I normally read, I usually just go for the paranormal but thought to switch it up a bit and I couldn’t be happier in doing so. This book was incredible. The story and conflicts and just everything in it kept me on my seat and wanting to read it more. This book really took on a classic and made it into a new way to look at the paranormal. The story flowed so well together that it never made me feel lost and had to turn back again. I really enjoyed the characters but especially Greer she is strong and could sense things and see things that no one else could. I really can’t wait to know if there will be more to this story and what more it could offer.

Jessica Stone

57 reviews

April 27, 2022

Blood & Ravens (The Casket Girls Series Book 1) by A.D. Brazeau - Review by Jessica Stone

If I could give anything an honest 5/5 this book would be the one, unfortunately I don’t believe in a perfect score.

To be honest I wasn’t quite sure if this book was going to be able to catch my interest when I read the synopsis, but it did that and then some, it sucked me in and I couldn’t find the will to put it down until it was finished. It started out slow but the mysterious circ*mstances around the main character Greer was enough to keep me waiting with bated breath hoping to find out how this mere girl of 22 ended up with no recollection of how she came to be on a ship bound for an unknown destination with nothing, but dreams of a man shrouded in darkness and mysteries.

Right off the bat Greer decides to make friends with a few women in the same circ*mstance as her and from there the story takes way. Throwing her into an unknown town with a group of unlikely friends they are faced with true terrors from things that go bump in the night. Faced with nuns, dark beings and a world no one knew existed these “casket girls” must find a way to survive each night hoping that the light of each day will bring them closer to answers and freedom they crave so badly. Now add a little splash of dark romance from a man called the dark knight, one she’s sure will be the end of her but haunts her every dream, and heart stopping twists and turns on every page, and you have the makings of this magnificent book.

This book takes you for a wild ride, into a supernatural world I did not expect when I picked it up but it did not disappoint, the authors attention to detail, the characters feisty, loyal, strong headed natures, the supernatural aspect, all and all made for a wonderful read, I cant wait to see what comes next!

Blood & Ravens, The Casket Girls Series, A.D. Brazeau, Review, Itsy Bitsy Book Bits, Vampire, Romance

Ashleyann Sanabria

200 reviews5 followers

May 10, 2022

Intriguing and mysterious from the start, the story draws the reader in. It took a bit for me to become fully immersed in the story, but once you are in, there is no putting it down. The dreams in the start blur lines and makes you question what is real. Of course, the story got me once a romance was alluded to. I'm a sucker for romance. The characters were all well developed and relatable. The setting was immersive, and the plot twists just kept surprising me. Definitely an enjoyable read, and a series that I am looking forward to continuing.


421 reviews4 followers

May 4, 2022

Blood & Ravens is the first book in The Casket Girls series. I was drawn to it by the 18th-Century New Orleans setting and was soon captivated by the vivid world and the paranormal plot.
The story builds on the experiences of young women who were sent from France to North America to marry the settlers and highlights the challenges they faced – seasickness, uncertainty, isolation, husbands with whom they had no romantic connection – as well as the conditions back home that would make this seem like an attractive choice. But it adds in a paranormal element, with vampires taking advantage of the situation to start a new life overseas.
There are some great characters in this book – Greer of course, and also her friends. I particularly like Desiree and am thrilled to see that the second book in the series will focus on her! I can’t wait to learn more of her story.
This is an enjoyable read, with some plot twists that really caught me by surprise! The best thing about it is the setting – clearly well-researched and with plenty of detail to bring it to life and also encourage an interest in this period of history. It gets five stars from me!


73 reviews

May 9, 2022

Great new take on a vampire novel. I enjoyed how the traditional storyline is referenced, but a new twist is added to include some Greek mythology as side characters. The main character, Greer, is strong and defiant, even when torn out of her comfortable surroundings and sent to live in antebellum New Orleans. Theron is her “dark knight” and is the connection to the Greek storyline and potential love interest. I would love for the pace to slow down a bit and get to know the characters a little better, but this is a great start! The setup for the series is great and I look forward to reading the next one!

Tia Nicole

82 reviews2 followers

April 29, 2022

At 22, Greer is taken from her life in Paris and forced into New Orleans with a group of girls, all given a casket-shaped suitcase they’re told not to open. Suddenly, she’s promised to a man she’s never met and living in a convent until she’s ready to be wed.

At night, Greer dreams of a tall, dark man she calls the Dark Knight and it soon becomes clear that he’s more than a dream. He’s a monster, and there’s other monsters feeding on her and several of the other girls that are with her. Now Greer has to figure out what she can do to save herself, and her friends.

Theron has been cast out of the Underworld and forced to live amongst the vampires, feeding in humans. When he finds his human intriguing and discovers himself falling for her, he’ll stop at nothing to find a way to help her and her friends even if it puts him in danger from Hades himself. Now Greer has more than just her friends and herself to worry about. Can she save them all?

Blood and Ravens was a fun, enjoyable read. While it’s on the shorter side, it held a good structure and a strong storyline without feeling too rushed. I enjoyed the characters and how they had clear personalities despite all being stuck in one place and just kind of thrown at the reader (this is to be expected based on the way the story is).

It presents dilemmas and questions about the things we would be willing to do for those we love while also showing an interesting romance between the characters. If faced with evil, I’d definitely want Greer on my side.

Can’t wait to see what’s next for the Casket Girls.

Jessica Pritt

365 reviews26 followers

May 11, 2022

This book was amazing! This made me fall in love again with paranormal romance. I like how Theron is a different kind of vampire and the way he is made up. This book took me to a different place. I was excited to and waiting until I was able read again.

Beverly Finnie

445 reviews5 followers

April 26, 2022

Definitely not what I was expecting! Definitely different! I feel like I need to read Blood and ravens again. I really feel like I’m missing something.
I read the synopsis and I was like “okay you piqued my interest.” I started reading and my immediate response was “What am I reading?” I liked it, I still feel like I missed part of the story.
Greer, kidnapped off the streets of France. Wakes up in a ship destined for New Orleans, to be married off to a man she doesn’t know. Greer has lost time and doesn’t understand what is going on. Till she sees him. A man of mystery and definitely not her betrothed.
Theron, exiled to live amongst the humans. Hand picks Greer to be his “little rabbit” aka food. Little does he know she’s into him. She’s conscious and is starting to figure out what’s going on. How vampires feed on the girls that are to be married. He can’t take her life though. He knows every time he feeds he’s making her weak. He just can’t let her go and he can’t figure out why.
I enjoyed the Greek mythology theme and twist as the story moved on.
Does Theron figure out why he can’t just let go?
Does he finally end Greer’s life?
Or is there something else lurking in the shadows that shakes everything up?
All questions will definitely be answered. I’ve always been vampire obsessed, which was my draw to this book. The author did a wonderful job keeping me interested, I was just caught off guard. I’m rereading it and I think you should read it too! Just go in with an open mind so as not to miss anything.

Blood & Ravens (The Casket Girls, #1) (2024)
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Author: Horacio Brakus JD

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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

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Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.