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- Grant County Independenti
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- Muscoda, Wisconsin
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I 816 Leading County Seat Newspaper VOLUME NUMBER 24 LANCASTER GRANT COUNTY WISCONSIN THURSDAY JULY 19 1945 $200 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE T1 T) I 'I inds Remains of Indian Settlement Cole Reveals Be Continued Bl end 1 Ritter was engineer on the and PC MARRIAGE LICENSES i 3 iiim 3 3 remind Lancaster rubbish collections the city twice a second and fourth Mrs Glenn Bertram at the Charles Berl in Dodgeville this in be the DRIVING WITHOUT LICENSE Gene Louis Larkin was arrest ed by State Traffic Officer John Bollendar last week for driving an automobile without a permit He pleaded guilty and was fined $5 and costs by Stone justice 'of the peace RICHARD WIEST BACK IN RANCE Richard Wiest has return rance after being with arm slaughterers have until Oct 14 to register with the War Price and Rationing board and obtain a permit for slaughtering it was announced today by the board Those classed as farm slaugh terers are those farmers who sold not more than 6000 pounds of meat produced from slaughter of their own livestock last year ar mers who slaughter only for home consumption are unaffected by this slaughter control order On the other hand 'farmers who killed no meat for sale in 1944 may register with the board and market up to 400 pounds in 1945 arm slaughterers will have quotas for each quarter of this year equal to the amount of meat sold by them in the corresponding quarter of 1944 If they did not turn points over to the Board for meat sold last year they will have to agree in writing to comply this year or they will not receive a permit I I arm Slaughterers Have Until Oct 14 To Sign With OPA VICKERS IN JAIL Acil Vickers was arrested Mon day on a charge of drunkenness and was committed to the county jail for 30 days by Justice of the Peace Stone Pfc ed to Third army in southern Germany He has won his battle star He writes that the weather has been hot and dusty over there i Wiest expects to receive an as signment to duty soon but in the meantime has been seeing some thing of rance His latest visit was to Marseilles He has been overseas since ebruary 1944 State Warns airs No Gambling to Be Allowed uhder Law Scientists from Milwaukee Museum To Study Relics of 1 5 1 1 ii i Il the entire Undersheriff Melvin Gillen took Carl Holmberg who has been in the county jail since June 24 as a vagrant to Mendota this week Holmberg was picked up by Sheriff Klaas near Dickeyville last month He was not able to establish any facts regarding his place of residence and after be ing committed to the county jail as a vagrant he was examine i by doctors and found insane He was taken before County Judge Ray Walker who ordered that he be committed to the state institution for 'the insane at Men dota Local offices of the United States Employment service throughout' the state are now pre pared to answer inquiries from individuals interested in cmploy metn in foreign countries Wm state director of the War Manpower Commission said this week Copies of the booklet called to oreign Employment are now in the hands of all Wisconsin USES of fice managers The guild contains information on Job opportunities outside the United States manager of the Lan caster USES district office stated that applicants seeking foreign jobs would be interviewed as for any other existing jobs and if qualified referred to hiring of ficals in the usual manner Job sites by foreign country in clude Alaska Hawaii China Ca nal Zone Brazil South and Cen tral America and Europe Occu pations in which vacancies exist range from common laborers to construction workers and highly skilled professional people Open ings are for both 'male and fe male 'workers the manager said City Asks Cooperation i On Rubbish Collection ward to fill a gap in the line near Kiyuma Gusuku castle the lone remaining Jap stronghold At a point near the castle Schreiner moved out ahead of his unit to inspect the terrain A Jap sniper hidden in a cave fatally wounded the Wisconsin officer with grenades and small arms fire Scheiner sustained gun shot wounds of the left side and frag ments in both legs He was rushed to a battalion aid station where he died 10 hours later without re gaining consciousness Twelve days earlier company had distinguished itself by capturing two strategic hills from which the Japs had been delaying the Sixth ad vance on Oroku peninsula On the first ridge Schreiner twice led his men to the summit in bitter hand grenade battles 100 Japs before the enemy retired Louis Belscamper city engine er wishes to residents that are made in month on the riday of the month Considerable difficulty has bean experienced Belscamper 'states because of apparent misunder standing of the rubbish pick up arrangements Some pepple put the rubbish out every week and as a result it has to sat around outside until the following week with the chance of its being scat tered about the streets and be coming an eyesore in the com munity Other precautions to be borne' in mind to insure prompt and ef ficient' collection of rubbish are these: all rubbish should be in some kind of a container and it must ba set out on the curb ex cept in the business districts The city trucks will not stop for loose rubbish that is simply piled up it must be in a container They will not pick up rubbishjjnless it is also set out at the curb where it can be conveniently handled Norman Kopp Due Home from Pacific Donald Chamberlain Bosco bel and Betty Jones Boscobel rederick Gridley Benton Harbor Mich and Helen Jones ennimore James Burris Platteville and Harriette Alleman Platte ille Kenneth Denn Shawano and Carol Goke Platteville' The washing of the waters' of the Mississippi river this springuncovered close to Potosi a his torical find unparallelled in this region A burial trench of the people who inhabited this area more than a thousand years ago was expos ed to view last May and was dis covered by Ralph Turner and Vic tor Irish near the fishing cottage of the former When the find was reported the Milwaukee Public was asked to investigate and they sent out Dr Ritzenthaler assistant curator of anthropology to survey This fall the museum hopes to equip ah expedition to open the trench ana begin the job of reconsructing the I life and hab its of these pre historic people The trench a burial site is es timated at 80 feet long 15 feet wide and 5 feet deep with cop per and stone implements and other artifacts imbedded with the crumbling bones Site Damaged JVhen the museum sends its ex cavators this fall they will divide the site i into five foot square sec tions completing one square at a time' Great care must be exer cised in the removal of he objects because the bores are in a crumb ling state Much damage has al ready been done by curiosity see kers it was reported (Trowels fine hair brushes and orange sticks are used for the most delicate work The arrange ment as well as each item is carefully photographed Dr Ritzenthaler from his brief survey recently has learned some things about these inhabitants Their Eskimo like scraping tools suggest that they are Asiatic in origin Copper implements simi lar to others found all over the State were found giving a hither to unknown clue as to the cul ture of early man The copper was pounded unheated i crudeimplements No Pottery ound pottery has been found dicating that this group lived fore the pottery era Some of bones were partially charred showing that cremation may have been a practice Awls sharpened at both ends were found these may have been used in making clothing Sharp edged spuds may have been used for hollowing out canoes (Turn to Page Three) Local Soldier On irst Raid Over Batavia School Lunch Program Wil! Total Sales i Total lxnd sales in the county told to both individuals and cor porations amounted to $2470 921 Cole's report showed I Cole said in his letter to the inembers of the war bond cain paign committees and newspapers am frank to admit to you that up to the last days of the drive it looked as though Grant county would not make its Individual Quota however now that the final figures are all in they speak for themselves and again it is my privilege to congratulate you in dividually and for the fine results that have again been Bloomington Leads Within the county district No 1 under the chairmanship of Jack Porter Bloomington hd'd the best record oversubscribing its quota by 122 percent This district is made up of the villages of Bloom ington Bagley and Patch Grove and the townships of Beetown Bloomington Glen Haven Patch Grove and Wyalusing District No 2 Montfort and the townships of Castle Rock and Wingville shared first place hon ors with the Bloomington district with sales amounting to 122 per cent of its quota Harvey DiVall of Montfort was chairman of the district committee The Lancaster district under the chairmanship of Irgcns and the Potosi district under the chairmanship of Reinecke both oversubscribed their quotas by 111 percent Photo by Wisconsin State Journal Grant county independent in Paid Circulation Advertising and Community News 1 When Sgt Virgil Ritter of iJancaster flew in the 13th famed 24 Liberator squadron's history making raid Batavia Java he became one of the first Allied fliers to strike lhe enemy held bastion of 500 000 population according to a re port put out by Army headquart ers in the Philippines 1 It was the first strike against Batavia by any Allied force The recent Air strike on that metropolis of the Netherlands East Indies took his squadron on an 18 hour and 40 minute overwater jaunt over the target and back a distance of niore 3000 miles non stop flying Ritter was engineer on the plane which was so loaded with' bombs and gas that crew with the exception of the pilot co pilot and himself had to sit in the tail during the risky Jakeoff to prevent the Liberator from nosing over Batavia flight by the broke that re cord and that of the Air set for overwater hauls on long distance flights without fighter cover a short time beforei when the squadron hit Soerabaja other metropolitan city of 'Plitcvillc chairman of the Coun ty War inance committee i aled thit the' county Went ov he top in meeting quote hndr iduil and corporation bond sale for the campaign Gi mt county's of md sales to individuals wa's $1704 tO which was approximately 50 higher than any previous jv iir bond drive quota The finaltabulation showed that the county subscribed $1910685 or morethan S290000 above its On sale of bonds to' corpora fions the county was credited with' oversub a ribing its quota by 1)00 Gillen Takes Vagrant To Mendota This Week On Tuesday lhe Lancaster Can ning company finished packing the largest puck of peas in its his tory Over 900000 cans of peu are now in their warehouse? a 'waiting labels According to Leo HencJ man ager of the plant the crpthw year is one of the largest ever to be grown in this vicinity Last riday holds the single dag record for all time canning 73432 cans or over 3059 cases were filled on that day Employ ees who started work at 8 am finished at 10:20 pm that' day putting in over 12 hours of act ual work The daily average for the first 13 djiys of operation was 59764 cans another all time high Henkel has the greatest praise for the and espec ially the women who have helped put up this pack Most of them realize that a share of this pack goes to the armed forces and their having husbands broth ers and sons in service has serv ed as a motive for many of them he said There have been about 100 employees at the plant every day since the pack began two weeks ago The 25 to 30 German prisoners of war that haw been used in the fields and at the viner sta tions have worked out very well he asserted Most of these prison ers where in the African and I talian campaigns and have there fore been in this country over two years Only those who really want to work are among the group used With an inadequate army diet the prisoners were at first unable to do' the heavy wark required of them but the army raions had to be increased and it made a difference in the amount of worw they were able to do About 40 percent of this pack will go to the armed forces Henkel said all gambling from the fair grounds or lose all state a is the pointed warning sent to presidents and secretaries of 75 county and dis trict fair a ociations this week by Milton Button director of the state department of agriculture' The appropriation for state aid to fairs totals S160000 Calling attention to the new gambling law enacted by the 1945 legislature which gives state treasury agentsi authority to en force anti gambling laws the let ter points out that fair secretaries in applying far state aid must file a sworn 'statement that gambling devices whatever vhcre prohibited and excluded from the fair fair secretary and other pricipal officers of the society conducting the 'fair have full jur isdiction and control over the grounds during the fair so far as may be necessary to exclude there from any objectionable booths or Letter said Elmer Bryhan visited over the week end at the home of his son Elmer in Prescott Sgt and are visiting ram home week Nancy Smith was in Chicago from Thursday until Sunday vis iting her sister Jane who is at tending summer school there Canning Pack Here Breaks All Records County Meets War Bond Goal 'In making hi final repcrt on he Seventh ir Loan drive he individuals and oi ganizut participated in the dri hunt county Cile ED BIEDERMAN DIES ROM HEART ATTACK Mt Hope residents were shock ed to hear of the sudden death of Ed Bilederman last riday noon who died from a heart attack while helping make hay By the time a doctor could be summoned he had passed away Mr Biederman had resided on a farm near Mt (Hope for several years uneral services were held from the Methodist church in Mt Hope with burial services at the Bagley cemetery Sgt Norman Kopp is' on his way home from the south west Pacific to see for the first time his three year old son Steohen i 1 A Continuation of the community birthday iast Apri! 27 school lunch program in Wiscon Mrs Kopp the former Modesta yn through the 11M5 46 schoj! Ertz reeeiv leudatod 2 assure by con 18 stating that he was about to nnnnfTf1 a5tlon incluinS leav a the Philippines The serSeant son of Mr and Department of I Agriculture ajt Mrs Henry Kopp of Platteville Proportion Gordon Gund £nlisted in NoveXr of 1941 and Stat! dTtor ho has been in' the Pacific thba Department of Agncul ter for thrpG and a half ture Office of Supply Madison said this week 'll Wisconsin schools child care 7 1 centers and summer OltlHlCCrS Dt camps will be able to participate I in the community sponsored pro I America Have gram on about the same basis as I last year Gunderson indicated A Tag Day Sat simplified procedure has been worked out by Office of Supply I officials whereby Wisconsin Saturday will be the annual school lunch sponsors can continU taS day for the Volun ue their last contracts with of Americg Headquarters the federal agency he added wiU be at the City hal1 where ederal Allocation Same Brackett will' have Expansion 'of participation by charge of the workers Yeung Wisconsin schools in the program PeoPle invited to come out may later in the school year force and helP sel1 for what sdme reduction in federal reim ever the Public is willing and bursements from th? present rates I abe give of 9 cents for a Type A lunch 6 Established in 1896 by Gen arid cents for a Type and 2 cents I rs Ballington Booth the Vol for a Type since the federal unteers of America have grown funds are allocated at the same into one of the foremost religious level as last year Gunderson said and social welfare agencies in the He urged school lunch sponsors to nation The organization extends take an active interest in the I ifs services to aH irrespective of school lunch canning program as I race color or creed Mrs Brackett insurance against this possibility Points out want as many children as I is particularly interesting possible to enjoy the improved and gratifying to note that the nutrition health and scholastic Present entire program of activi gains made possible by the comj I ty has lent itself to close Coopera munity school lunch program' I with the various war ser and expect to spread our allotted I vices every department has made funds accordingly Gunderson 1 its unique contribution to the war said Local school lunch sponsors I effort Among these are the mis and civic groups can help insure sions family welfare the clubs continued high nutritional stan I for working girls the homes for dards for school children by orlthe aged for the children for the ganizing to can local surpluses of I unfortunate women and girls the fresh fruits and vegetables industrial salvage center and the season for use during the' school I Prison she said year He indicated that his office I would cooperate by making a 1 vailable such surpluses of food as 4 QI 11 are purchased by the government I UaVC OCtireiTier ell under agricultural support price A 1 programs 1 Leading Attack On Last Praises Cooperation ill 7 7 7 1 JaP Stronghold on Island sin State Department of publiJ Okinawa (Delayed) How Ma mb Tn Zn? ndJ COUn2 ant rine Lt Dave Schreiner died in urban schools has' improved nu iZr trition and health for a great many of our children during the J1 secure is school year just Gunder disPatch son said March bui? Sergeant on Petit a Manne peak particip lion month an av4 A correspondent The crage of 119220 children in AH Amencan fcotbaH star schools in this state were receivJ at th uverslty of Wisconsin ing hot lunches daily that werej WaS £taU? wocd leadin made passible by the community! 4 atinS he ast Jap school lunch 1 bolAd on the island' Announcement of I death was made previously ta his parents Mr and Mrs ywuuvi ovu Aiuuivu I bchreiner of Lancaster Tbe former Wisconsin UlcUC UlICLlUr VI I commanded Company of the Sixth Marine division Late in vuCial 11 OgraiD the afternoon of June 20 just 12 I hours before organized resistance Gordon Gunderson has been Schreiner led his men for appomted state director of the Of fice of Supply (CCC) of the Department of Agriculture He will continue the work of this former War ood administration office in the state farm head quarters at 20 North Carroll St Madison Wisconsin Gunderson was Wisconsin District Repre sentative of the war food agency prior to its absorption into the USDA July 1 With the requirements for war service to Wisconsin food proces sors distributors and consumers continuing heavy du ties remain relatively unchanged He will continue to service Wis consin people in connection with USDA Office of Supply pro grams the community school lunch program for schools and child care centers purchases of surplus foods and commodities price support programs Achieve ment Awards for food pro cessors performing outstanding production records salvage of used household fats to help meet the nationls fats and oils deficit manpower needs of food handlers and processors: food order servic ing work surplus commodities disposal and the USDA programs on nutrition industrial feeding and food preservation Gunderson has been in govern ment service 1 since September 1939 He has worked on these and similar government programs in the past and brings to his new position the wealth of experience this public service has given him Lancaster Bbys ined or Reckless Driving Otto uerstenberg ana Clement Duve of JLancasjer were each fin ed $10 and costs by Justice of the Peace Stoine last week on a charge of reckless driving uerstenberg I and Duve had been racing on the highway be tween Lancaster and the county farm on Tuesday evening July 10 when the car driven by uer stenberg left the road half the way up Pigeon hill When it fin ally came to rest 300 feet out in the cornfield all four wheels were pointed straight up in the air The car belonged to uersten father The damage to the car was estimated at $425 No one was injured in the Occident Both uerstenberg and Duve were arrested fcly Sheriff A Klaas for reckless driving brought before Stone 4H Employment Office To Advise on Job Openings Overseas i I BBL 7 1 Jraki hi gl 1 1 ft i Vi I 1 1 "lwirriT.
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- Years Available:
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