How to Keep Melted Caramel From Hardening (2024)


We received a question from our website to this effect: "If I use your Cocomels in a pie, will they reharden once the pie has cooled or will they remain in a sauce-like consistency? If they will reharden, what can I do to make them more syrupy?"

The answer is that they will likely reharden. It works like this: Cocomels get harder as moisture leaves the candy. Cooking cooks moisture out of the candy, leading to a firmer texture once cool. If, however, you have a lot of moisture in your pie (from berries etc) that moisture might actually soften the Cocomels during the cooking process.

How to keep Cocomels from hardening during baking

Therefore, if you want Cocomels in your baked good to be as soft or softer than they currently are, and don't feel like you have enough moisture in your baked good to soften the Cocomels during cooking, you will have to soften your Cocomels before baking so that when the moisture gets cooked out of them they end up where you want.

Best ways to use organic, dairy free caramel as an ingredient

Cooking your Cocomels in a liquid (like canned coconut milk, water or something fun like chai tea, coffee, etc…).

To do this, use about 1/4 of liquid per 1/2 pound of Cocomels,dissolve the Cocomels into it, stirring the whole time, and cook the resulting sauce to a temperature (as shown by a candy thermometer) that matches the consistency you want. (see this post for some more insight into melting Cocomels into a liquid - How to make Cocomel apples)

  • 220-230 F for a sauce
  • 230-240 F for a loose and saucy caramel (could be good for baking)
  • 240-250 F a chewy caramel
  • 250 F and up, a more brittle caramel

One note: be careful of Cocomel that sits on the bottom of a dish as that can burn during baking.

Share your delicious coconut milk caramel creations

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How to Keep Melted Caramel From Hardening (2024)


How to Keep Melted Caramel From Hardening? ›

Just keep the flame low to keep it from going too far. If the temperature gets too hot and the caramel becomes too hard as it cools, you can put it back in the pan with a couple of tablespoons of cold water to try and save it.

How to stop caramel from solidifying? ›

The idea is to lower the PH. you can also use a small pinch of citric acid or cream of tartar if you have. lemon juice won't work as it will turn bitter as the sugar cooks. Alternatively, an invert sugar such as corn syrup or golden syrup will work beautifully.

How to fix caramel that is too hard? ›

If caramels are too hard, you can try placing them back in a saucepan, adding a couple tablespoons of water and stirring until the thermometer reads 242°F. Pour back into a prepared buttered pan. If caramels are too soft, that means the temperature didn't get high enough.

How to fix runny caramel? ›

To thicken a caramel sauce, use one tablespoon of cornstarch or tapioca starch (sometimes known as tapioca flour) and one tablespoon of water per cup of caramel. Then simmer the caramel, stirring it constantly with a wooden spoon until it becomes thick.

How do you keep caramel soft after melting? ›

If the temperature gets too hot and the caramel becomes too hard as it cools, you can put it back in the pan with a couple of tablespoons of cold water to try and save it.

How do you keep caramel in liquid form? ›

Add corn syrup, honey, or lemon juice to keep the sauce thin. You'll need about 1 tablespoon (14.8 mL) of corn syrup or honey for every cup (236.6 mL) of caramel sauce your recipe makes. These ingredients may slow the hardening of your caramel when it's complete.

Why did my caramel harden? ›

If even one sugar crystal falls back into the pan of cooking caramel, it starts a chain reaction of sugar crystals and the entire pan will harden. The result? Gross, grainy caramel that is unusable in most recipes. When making caramel, you need to closely monitor the sides of the pan for sugar crystals.

What does adding water to caramel do? ›

When making a wet caramel, water is added to help dissolve the sugar before cooking. Like dry caramel, you want to gently move the sugar mixture in that same side-to-side paintbrush-like fashion until the sugar dissolves.

Can you reheat caramel to make it firmer? ›

No, that's not really how caramel works. Only cooling caramel makes it firmer, and reheating (when done properly) softens it back up.

How do you melt caramel without hardening it? ›

The key to getting it right is to use soft caramels as opposed to hard. You must also add some sort of liquid, such as milk or cream, to prevent the caramels from drying out. Knowing these tricks will help you to melt caramels with ease.

Why does my caramel keep seizing? ›

Break down some of the sugar.

Sucrose is the one that's crystallizing. If you break down some of the sugar into invert sugar, you can prevent crystallization. You can do so by adding a little acid to sugar while you're cooking it.

Why does my homemade caramel harden? ›

The water evaporates, leaving sugar crystals behind. If even one sugar crystal falls back into the pan of cooking caramel, it starts a chain reaction of sugar crystals and the entire pan will harden. The result? Gross, grainy caramel that is unusable in most recipes.

How to keep caramel frosting from hardening? ›

In this recipe, using corn syrup is key to prevent your caramel from crystallizing and becoming grainy. If you use this, you shouldn't have any issues with a grainy frosting.

Why does my caramel clump together? ›

2> Avoid stirring: Stirring your caramel sauce while it's cooling can encourage crystallization. Instead, let it cool undisturbed. 3> Use corn syrup or glucose: Adding a small amount of corn syrup or glucose can help prevent sugar crystallization by interfering with the formation of large sugar crystals.

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