Sticky toffee pudding… easy and delicious tips! (2024)

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Sticky toffee pudding… easy and delicious tips! (4)

Sticky toffee pudding… easy and delicious tips! (5)

It’s a menu superstar, a British institution and a king among desserts - yes, it’s little wonder that 23rd January is International Sticky Toffee Pudding Day.

But what are the original sticky toffee pudding recipe ingredients? And how can you make yours the one that everyone remembers above all others?We’ve compiled this list to give you all the answers...

What is sticky toffee pudding?

Sticky toffee pudding is a popular British dessert sometimes known internationally as “sticky date pudding”. This is because finely chopped or pureed dates are one of the main ingredients and give the dish its distinctive flavour and texture. The sponge pudding is topped with a toffee sauce and usually served with cream or vanilla ice cream.


Never leave your pudding in the oven any longer than the recipe states (unless your test skewer is still coming out with batter on it), as it will quickly dry the pudding out. When reheating, do not leave the pudding in the oven for more than 10-15 minutes at 180 degrees celsius.

What are the ingredients in sticky toffee pudding?

The ingredients in a traditional sticky toffee pudding are medjool dates, boiling water, self-raising flour, Eggs, butter, demerara sugar, treacle and bicarbonate of soda for the pudding, and muscovado sugar, butter and cream for the toffee sauce.

Allergen alert!

Flour (Cereals containing Gluten), butter (Milk), cream (Milk) and Eggs are all among the 14 major food allergens.


Leave the pudding for at least 30 minutes after adding the sauce to the top. Sticky toffee pudding is best served warm rather than hot, and after the sauce has had a chance to sink in.

Sticky toffee pudding… easy and delicious tips! (6)


If you prefer a smoother texture to your stick toffee pudding, add ¼ - ½ teaspoon of corn syrup to your pudding batter.

Who invented sticky toffee pudding?

No one can be sure who invented sticky toffee pudding. It is known to have originated in the UK, and various reports attribute its creation to pubs and inns, in locations such as Yorkshire and Aberdeenshire, as far back as the early 20th century.

Sticky toffee pudding… easy and delicious tips! (7)

The pudding had a boom in popularity in the 70s after being served at a popular hotel in Cumbria.


After baking, pop the pudding under a hot grill for a couple of minutes to give it a crunchy crust and a soft, moist middle.

What do you serve with sticky toffee pudding?

Sticky toffee pudding is most commonly served with either cream or vanilla ice cream, and sometimes custard.

All of these pair very well with the ingredients in sticky toffee pudding, and their creaminess complements the pudding’s sweetness.

Allergen alert!

Cream, ice cream and custard all contain Milk, one of the 14 major allergens and some variations will also contain Egg, another major allergen.


Sticky toffee pudding is a great dessert to make in advance - as it tastes just as good once reheated. The sauce can be made up to 3 days ahead of use so long as it is kept refrigerated.

The pudding is best made around 24 hours prior to serving and should also be kept in the fridge to prevent its temperature hitting the food poisoning danger zone (between 8 and 60 degrees celsius).


Nuts make a great additional ingredient to sticky toffee pudding.They can be chopped roughly to add texture, or used to make the pudding less sweet (especially varieties like walnuts) or extra butteriness (vareties such as pecans).

Allergen alert!

All vareties of (Tree) Nuts - including walnuts and pecans, are within the 14 major food allergens. Peanuts are also a major allergen.

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Can you make sticky toffee pudding without dates?

Sticky toffee pudding can be made without dates, but as they are one of the dish’s main ingredients and give it that chewy texture and toffee flavour it is better to use a substitute than forgo them entirely.

Sticky toffee pudding… easy and delicious tips! (10)

Prunes can be used instead of dates, as they have the same texture and a certain amount of sweetness. You can also use caramel sauce in place of dates, but this will make the pudding incredibly sweet, and more chewy.


To maximise moistness and toffee flavours, chill the sauce to make it firm, then add a layer of it to the baking tin before adding the pudding batter.

Is sticky toffee pudding vegan?

No, traditional sticky toffee pudding is not vegan, as it contains butter, Eggs, Milk and cream - all of which are derived from animals.Sticky toffee pudding is suitable for vegetarians.


Add a teaspoon of ginger or allspice to the pudding for a festive twist, or some extra flavour.

Does sticky toffee pudding contain any allergens?

Yes, sticky toffee pudding usually contains multiple allergens. These are Eggs, Milk (via both cream and butter) and wheat flour (a Cereal containing Gluten). You can check the allergen content of products using the .


To keep your pudding tasting fresh, store it in a cool, dry place, with a piece of buttered foil secured over the top.

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Sticky toffee pudding… easy and delicious tips! (2024)


What's the difference between sticky date pudding and sticky toffee pudding? ›

Sticky toffee pudding, known as sticky date pudding in Australia and New Zealand, is a British dessert consisting of a moist sponge cake made with finely chopped dates (optional), covered in a toffee sauce and often served with a vanilla custard or vanilla ice-cream.

Why can't you reheat sticky toffee pudding? ›

Unfortunately though these type of self-saucing puddings do not reheat very well as the sauce tends to thicken and be absorbed by the sponge as the pudding cools. So when you reheat the pudding it will have a sticky base but with very little sauce.

Does sticky toffee pudding need to be refrigerated? ›

Do the puddings need to be refrigerated? Yes!

What goes best with sticky toffee pudding? ›

My gluten free sticky toffee pudding can be served with any of the classics – ice cream, clotted cream, double cream or custard. Personally I love a scoop of vanilla ice cream on mine, but I could also happily wolf a slice down by itself. That toffee sauce is so good I want to drink it!

Is figgy pudding the same as sticky toffee pudding? ›

Like the Christmas pudding and figgy puddings before it, the sticky toffee pudding is usually steamed for maximum moisture. Instead of figs, however, very finely chopped dates are added to the cake, which gets covered in a toffee sauce.

Do Americans have sticky toffee pudding? ›

The beloved British classic is popping up on dessert menus across the United States, from natural wine bars to Harry Potter World. Sticky toffee pudding is a clear communicator.

Can you eat sticky toffee pudding cold? ›

Yummy Sticky toffee pudding in toffee sauce. Ideal for camping, climbing, hiking, yachting, fishing and many more outdoor activities. Serving Instructions: Can be eaten cold but heating brings out the best flavours.

Is it OK to freeze sticky toffee pudding? ›

You could freeze leftover portions of the pudding in an airtight container for up to 1 month. Freeze the sauce in a separate airtight container. Thaw the sponge and sauce overnight in the fridge. Reheat the sponge in the microwave and reheat the sauce in a saucepan over a low heat, stiring occasionally.

Can you eat sticky toffee pudding out of date? ›

I would eat it, the amount of sugar that is in it would preserve it surely. Eat. Deffo. All sugar and fat.

Where is sticky toffee pudding popular? ›

Although its origins are unclear, it was likely invented during the 20th century in the Lake District of northwest England, from where its popularity spread across the country.

Can you refreeze sticky toffee pudding? ›

Do not refreeze once defrosted.

How do you keep toffee from getting sticky? ›

Your toffee is getting sticky because it isn't coated in chocolate to protect it from the moisture in the air. If you want to make uncoated toffee pieces and store them, then you need to put it in an air-tight container with some dessicant.

Is sticky toffee pudding better with custard or ice cream? ›

What would Nigella's sticky toffee pudding pair well with? Custard might be too thick, even if served cold - I'd recommend vanilla ice cream, as that's a personal favourite of mine!

Do the Irish eat sticky toffee pudding? ›

A taste of Sticky Toffee Pudding

The Irish love to eat it as a dessert or snack, accompanied by vanilla ice cream (for a touch of freshness!). You'll find them in most local restaurants serving Irish cuisine, but you can also find them in pastry shops.

What is a substitute for black treacle in sticky toffee pudding? ›

If you can't get either molasses or treacle then you could use golden syrup or dark corn syrup as an alternative. Otherwise we suggest using 20g of extra brown sugar in the sponge and an extra 10g in the sauce.

What does sticky toffee pudding taste like? ›

Sticky toffee pudding has a decadent, soft and almost chewy caramel/toffee flavor and texture. Although many sticky toffee pudding recipes don't call for a spice mixture, we include a small amount of cinnamon, clove and nutmeg into ours which adds a subtle depth of flavor that compliments the sweet richness.

What is the function of the date in the sticky toffee pudding? ›

The addition of dates soaked in tea creates a moist pudding, which, when served with the rich toffee sauce, provides the best combination for a winter pudding.

What's the difference between sticky toffee and caramel? ›

Toffee vs Caramel

The difference between toffee and caramel is that caramel is made with white granulated sugar and cooked to 340 degrees Fahrenheit, whereas toffee is made with butter and brown sugar and cooked to 295 - 309 degrees Fahrenheit.

What is sticky toffee pudding cake made of? ›

A super moist date cake is smothered in a buttery, sweet, toffee sauce and drizzled with a touch of cream. Beautiful and delicious! It's easy to get confused by the name of this recipe, but contrary to what it sounds like, sticky toffee pudding is actually one of the best cakes around.

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