Text Structures From Fairy Tales: Truisms That Help Students Write About Abstract Concepts . . . and Live Happily Ever After, Grades 4-12 (Corwin Literacy) (2025)

Engelsch [en], .pdf, 🚀/lgli/lgrs, 58.0MB, 📘 Book (non-fiction), lgrsnf/Text Structures From Fairy Tales Truisms That Help Students Write About Abstract Concepts... And Live Happily Ever After, Grades 4-12 (Corwin Literacy) [AN 2524583].pdf

Text Structures From Fairy Tales: Truisms That Help Students Write About Abstract Concepts . . . and Live Happily Ever After, Grades 4-12 (Corwin Literacy) 🔍


Standardized tests and college essay prompts demand that students produce quality analytical writing about abstract concepts. But how do you actually teach this kind of writing? Award-winning authors Gretchen Bernabei and Judi Reimer make it easy and fun. This book includes 35 engaging lessons that give students just the focused practice they need to craft effective, analytical writing for any situation.
Centered on classic fairy tales and designed for students of all ages, each lesson includes a writing prompt accompanied by a planning framework. Students write a truism, select or create a text structure, and write a kernel essay that serves as scaffolding for a detailed rhetorical piece. With practice, students move from depending on teacher guidance to becoming autonomous analytical writers. The teacher-friendly layout and built-in flexibility of the book empower you to
Use each fairy tale lesson for reading, for writing, or for both Cluster lessons around a particular literacy concept or use each as a standalone lesson
Pair fairy tales thematically with other readings
Customize the text structure options to meet the needs of your individual students
Encourage students to create their own text structures
Teach students simple ways to expand their ideas into detailed, rich essays Additional ideas for how to use the lessons, a complete collection of text structures, craft lessons on revision, and a list of conversation strategies are also included. Put Text Structures From Fairy Tales to work in your classroom and soon your students will be writing happily ever after.

Alternativen Dateinaam

lgli/Text Structures From Fairy Tales Truisms That Help Students Write About Abstract Concepts... And Live Happily Ever After, Grades 4-12 (Corwin Literacy) [AN 2524583].pdf

Alternativen Titel

Text structures from fairy tales : truisms that help students write about abstract concepts-- and live happily ever after, : 35 lessons and mentor texts : grades 4-12

Alternativen Titel

Text Structures From Fairy Tales : Truisms That Help Students Write About Abstract Concepts... And Live Happily Ever After, Grades 4-12

Alternativen Titel

Text structures from fairy tales : truisms that help students write about abstract concepts, and live happily ever after

Alternativen Schriever

Bernabei, Gretchen S., Reimer, Judith A.

Alternativen Schriever

Gretchen S Bernabei; Judi Reimer

Alternativen Verlag

SAGE Publications, Incorporated

Alternativen Verlag

Corwin, Corwin, a SAGE Company

Alternativen Verlag

Corwin Literacy

Alternativen Verlag

Corwin Press

Alternativen Utgaav

Sage Publications Inc., Thousand Oaks, California, 2019

Alternativen Utgaav

United States, United States of America

Alternativen Utgaav

Jan 30, 2019

Alternativen Utgaav

1, FR, 2019

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Source title: Text Structures From Fairy Tales: Truisms That Help Students Write About Abstract Concepts . . . and Live Happily Ever After, Grades 4-12 (Corwin Literacy)

Alternativen Beschrieven

Part I.
Structures for Writing About Life Themes
Lesson 1.
Text Structure: Story of My Thinking
Fairy Tale: Beauty and the Beast
Lesson 2.
Text Structure: Parts of a Whole
Fairy Tale: The Bremen Town Musicians
Lesson 3.
Text Structure: Type of Something
Fairy Tale: Cinderella
Lesson 4.
Power of Words
Text Structure: Short- and Long-Term Effects
Fairy Tale: Diamonds and Toads
Lesson 5.
Text Structure: What the Characters Know About ______
Fairy Tale: The Elves and the Shoemaker
Part II. Structures for Explaining a Concept
Lesson 6. Peer Pressure
Text Structure: Case Study
Fairy Tale: The Emperor’s New Clothes
Lesson 7. Greed
Text Structure: Comparing Notes
Fairy Tale: The Fisherman and His Wife
Lesson 8. Selfishness
Text Structure: The Onion
Fairy Tale: The Frog Prince
Lesson 9. Confidence
Text Structure: Reconsidering a Belief
Fairy Tale: The Gingerbread Boy
Lesson 10. Laughter
Text Structure: Life Lesson
Fairy Tale: The Golden Goose
Part III. Structures for Character Analysis
Lesson 11. Listening
Text Structure: Evolution of a Term
Fairy Tale: Hansel and Gretel
Lesson 12. Fear
Text Structure: Chain Reaction
Fairy Tale: Henny Penny
Lesson 13. Stealing
Text Structure: Double Take
Fairy Tale: Jack and the Beanstalk
Lesson 14. Generosity
Text Structure: News/Gossip: Tell Me, Tell Me
Fairy Tale: The Little Red Hen
Lesson 15. Distractions
Text Structure: Change of Plans
Fairy Tale: Little Red Riding Hood
Part IV. Structures for Analyzing a Theme in Literature
Lesson 16. Love
Text Structure: Wrong Assumptions
Fairy Tale: The Nightingale
Lesson 17. Humiliation
Text Structure: Finding Out for Sure
Fairy Tale: One-Eye, Two-Eyes, and Three-Eyes
Lesson 18. Tests
Text Structure: Definition
Fairy Tale: The Princess and the Pea
Lesson 19. Reputation
Text Structure: The 11-Minute Essay
Fairy Tale: Puss in Boots
Lesson 20. Companionship
Text Structure: Tevye’s Debate
Fairy Tale: Rapunzel
Part V. Structures for Commentary About Plot
Lesson 21. Promises
Text Structure: Story of My Thinking
Fairy Tale: Rumpelstiltskin
Lesson 22. Gifts
Text Structure: Hindsight Reflections
Fairy Tale: The Sleeping Beauty
Lesson 23. Mistakes
Text Structure: Surprise Ending
Fairy Tale: Snow White
Lesson 24. Kindness
Text Structure: Ways to Do Something
Fairy Tale: Snow White and Rose Red
Lesson 25. Manners
Text Structure: Description
Fairy Tale: The Story of the Three Bears
Part VI. Structures for Making an Argument
Lesson 26. Groups
Text Structure: Crossing My Path
Fairy Tale: The Three Billy Goats Gruff
Lesson 27. Cutting Corners
Text Structure: Now and Later
Fairy Tale: The Three Little Pigs
Lesson 28. Information
Text Structure: Finding the Truth Through Experience
Fairy Tale: The Three Sillies
Lesson 29. Place
Text Structure: Curiosity
Fairy Tale: Thumbelina
Lesson 30. Friendship
Text Structure: Five-Paragraph Essay
Fairy Tale: The Tinderbox
Part VII. Structures for Content-Area Writing
Lesson 31. Home
Text Structure: Learning From Mistakes
Fairy Tale: Tom Thumb
Lesson 32. Mystery
Text Structure: Solving a Mystery
Fairy Tale: The Twelve Dancing Princesses
Lesson 33. Humility
Text Structure: Something Changed
Fairy Tale: The Ugly Duckling
Lesson 34. Perseverance
Text Structure: Making a Change
Fairy Tale: The Wild Swans
Lesson 35. Deception
Text Structure: Discovering the Truth
Fairy Tale: The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids
1. Complete Text Structures Collection
2. 25 More Things to Do With These Lessons
3. Blank Student Planning Page
4. Text Chunkyard
5. Get Student Writers Talking: Conversation Strategies
6. Steps for the Truism Braid Essay
7. Reader Rubric With Words and Faces
8. Intensity Scale
9. What’s Better ... This? Or That?
10. Ms. Kern’s Final Exam Project and Timetable
11. Truisms
12. Adding Details
13. Sparkling Sentences
14. The 11-Minute Essay
15. Ba-da-bing!
16. Writer’s Toolbox With Dead Giveaways
17. Book Report Essays

Alternativen Beschrieven

Standardized tests and college essay prompts demand that students produce quality analytical writing about abstract concepts. But how do you actually teach this kind of writing? Award-winning authors Gretchen Bernabei and Judi Reimer make it easy and fun. This book includes 35 engaging lessons that give students just the focused practice they need to craft effective, analytical writing for any situation. Centered on classic fairy tales and designed for students of all ages, each lesson includes a writing prompt accompanied by a planning framework. Students write a truism, select or create a text structure, and write a kernel essay that serves as scaffolding for a detailed rhetorical piece. With practice, students move from depending on teacher guidance to becoming autonomous analytical writers. The teacher-friendly layout and built-in flexibility of the book empower you to Use each fairy tale lesson for reading, for writing, or for both Cluster lessons around a particular literacy concept or use each as a standalone lesson Pair fairy tales thematically with other readings Customize the text structure options to meet the needs of your individual students Encourage students to create their own text structures Teach students simple ways to expand their ideas into detailed, rich essays Additional ideas for how to use the lessons, a complete collection of text structures, craft lessons on revision, and a list of conversation strategies are also included. Put Text Structures From Fairy Tales to work in your classroom and soon your students will be writing happily ever after.

Alternativen Beschrieven

Standardized tests and college essay prompts demand that students produce quality analytical writing about abstract concepts. But how do you actually teach this kind of writing? Award-winning authors Gretchen Bernabei and Judi Reimer make it easy and fun. This book includes 35 engaging lessons that give students just the focused practice they need to craft effective, analytical writing for any situation.
Centered on classic fairy tales and designed for students of all ages, each lesson includes a writing prompt accompanied by a planning framework. Students write a truism, select or create a text structure, and write a kernel essay that serves as scaffolding for a detailed rhetorical piece. With practice, students move from depending on teacher guidance to becoming autonomous analytical writers.
The teacher-friendly layout and built-in flexibility of the book empower you to
Use each fairy tale lesson for reading, for writing, or for both
Cluster lessons around a particular literacy concept or use each as a standalone lesson
Pair fairy tales thematically with other readings
Customize the text structure options to meet the needs of your individual students
Encourage students to create their own text structures
Teach students simple ways to expand their ideas into detailed, rich essays
Additional ideas for how to use the lessons, a complete collection of text structures, craft lessons on revision, and a list of conversation strategies are also included.
Put Text Structures From Fairy Tales to work in your classroom and soon your students will be writing happily ever after.

Alternativen Beschrieven

Award-winning authors Gretchen Bernabei and Judi Reimer make teaching to write about abstract concepts easy and fun. Thirty-five lessons centered on classic fairy tales give students the focused practice they need to produce effective analytical writing on demand--and in any situation. Designed to be used by students of all ages, each lesson includes a writing prompt and a planning framework that leads students to organize writing through a text structure. With practice, students move from dependency on teacher guidance to becoming autonomous designers of their own analytical writing

Alternativen Beschrieven

Uses 35 engaging fairy tale-based lessons to give students the focused practice they need to produce effective, analytical writing on demand.

Datum open sourced


Text Structures From Fairy Tales: Truisms That Help Students Write About Abstract Concepts . . . and Live Happily Ever After, Grades 4-12 (Corwin Literacy) (2025)
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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.