The Record from Hackensack, New Jersey (2024)

BERGEN EVENTNT, RECORD, WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 23. 1955 SPORTS 46 THEY'LL DO IT EVERY TIME By Jimmy Mail Appointed Loss Of 6 LOOK 4TTME WW WE TU4T lay ers JUN'IOR W4SMY 4MD HE'S SO 601 5 TO MILITARY To Scion Hall High Post WBOCV WOULD THINK ME TrlEvLL LEAJ? WIMWEDIT3MT KNOW CAMS FSM A STOKE HOME" lWKEM HE W4S WELL eights CFF- urt May ALL AW. AtiD MRS. CLYMBEJ? HOPED HE'D BE- SO THEy F4SSED THE BUCK 4 NT) JUNIOR) Otf T04HILIT4f? SCHOOL Father Vopelak Of Teancck Succeeds Father Fahy As Director Of Athletics Special to the Bergen Evening Record' South Orange, Sept.

ia The Rev. Thomas G. Fahy has been named director of athletics at Seton Hall University. Msgr. John L.

McNulty. president of Seton Hall, announced today. At the same time Msgr. McNulty appointed the Rev. J.

Vopelak as director of athletics at Seton Hall High School, the post held by Father Fahy. 1 LOOK 4T THAT DOES IS TH4T WM4T THEy CEM4NWG MY cm TEACH YOU 4T TH4T Four Gridiron Starters Among 27 Hasbrouck Students Suspended By GERRY DE LA REE Hasbrouck Heights Hasbrouck Heights High School's hopes of downing Dumont this Saturday in the opening game of the Bergen County Scholastic League football season were given a still jolt yesterday when six members of the squad were suspended from school. The six players were among 27 Hasbrouck Heights High School students suspended for causing a disturbance Monday at Wood-Ridge High School. have slight chance KVr. Plauer Of Week i ATTENDED HOLY TRINITY DOUGH YOU C4s! SO One week 4PTER HE WAS REGISTERED Hl-FALUTIN'SCHOOL? TO I KNEW THAT DOnfT GIVE ME7U4T SCHOOL.

WAS SO GOOD 1 The latter has been in that tion since September, 1948. In that time he cemented Seton Hall's place in high school ranks. Until 1945 the school had competed in LOOK ILL MOW W'KEM XSAW THEM YOU DOWM M0M4MD P0P4RE SORE TH4T THE SCHOOL DIDN'T M4KE JUNIOR OVER OVER- NIGHT In Tomorrow's Paper prep school circles and then the New Jersey State Interscholastic Athletic Association high school regulations were adopted. He is a graduate of St. Peter's Preparatory School, Seton Hall University, and the Immaculate Conception Seminary at Darling-, iton.

He received his M. A. from! Mi led his club to the B. C. S.

L. title last season, said last night that 1UE The Bergen Evening Record's without the services of the six sus- first football Player of the Week The Schedule FRIDAY Englewood at Ramsey, P. M. Montclair Academy at Englewood School. 3:15 P.

M. SATURDAY Bergenfield at Wood-Ridge, 1P.M. Westwood at Fort Lee, 2 P. M. Hasbrouck Heights at Dumont, 16:30 A.

M. Hawthorne at Fair Lawn, 2 P. M. xx Patersoa Central at East Rutherford. 2 P.

M. I.odi at Hackensack 2 P. M. Ridgewood at Teaneck. 2 P.

M. St. Cecilia (Englewood) at Bogota. 2:30 P. M.

Kearny at Garfield. 2 P. M. Northern Valley at Wellington, 2 P. M.

Ferris J. C. at Lyndhurst, 2 P. M. Glea Ridge at North Arlington, 2 P.

M. St. Luke's (Ho-Ho-Kus) at Bay. ley-Ellard (Madison, 2 P. M.

Weehawken at Cliffside Park. 2 P. M. SUNDAY Immaculate Conception (Montclair) at St. Mary's (Rutherford).

2:15 P. M. SI. Benedict's (Newark) at Queen of Peace (N. 2 P.

M. B. C. S. L.

Games, I. L. Games, xx P. V. C.

Games. to" pended players he figured the team for tne 1955 scholastic season will be announced tomorrow. had only a siignt cnance 01 Defeating Dumont. Hasbrouck Heights opened its jFordham university and is i working for his Ph. D.

in Classical 4' Languages. Father Vopelak attended Holy Trinity High School of Hackensack, GRIDMAN HURT 'Court Circuit Slates 3 ARE SUSPENDED The winner was selected from a game played over the weekend for his all-around performance. He is the first in a series of stars to be honored by this newspaper during the season. Look for Charlie McGill's cartoon and Gerry de la Ree's story on this week's winner on tomorrow's sports pages. Urban.

Ioviiie And Forbes Are f10" ijmveiMiy, auu me Set Down At Yonkers Jmmacuiaie aemiiiaiy i oo iat Darlington. Yonkers, N. Sept. 28 r. season last week by tying Hawthorne, 6-6, while Dumont crushed Ridgefield Park, 19-0.

Even with Heights at full strength, this Saturday morning's game at Dumont was regarded as a tossup. The suspended players, who presumably will not be allowed to compete in the Dumont contest. Included four boys who started against Hawthorne. Two of them are backs, one is a guard, and one a tackle. The fifth and sixth boys both Tl JJ iiurr uinc.s cic u5FuUCu nf rr.

Yonkers Raceway yesterday The mel nd b()th ()f heaviest Kilpatrick Of Dumont Dislocates Left Hand Ridgefield Park A 16-year-old Dumont High School junior varsity football player dislocated his left hand yesterday in a game with Ridgefield Park High School. The youth, Allan Kilpatrick of 56 Delaware Avenue. Dumont. was taken by the Dr. Charles A.

Knox Memorial Volunteer Ambulance Corps to Englewood Hospital. saw reserve duty against Hawthorne, one at end and the other Dewey Urban set down for 71 ii" nights for his handling eighteen in the backfield. of Victory Sun in tlie eighth race Kmetz, who viewed Dumont in action Monday afternoon, spoke on the full time faculty at Seton Hall. Meeting For Oct. 17 Hackensack The Bergen County Y.

M. Industrial Basketball League will hold its 1955-56 Industrial Basketball League organization meeting at the Bergen County Y. M. C. A.

offices, Monday, October 17 at 7:45 P. M. Any industry in Bergen County will be welcome to enter the League. To secure League information at this time, call the Bergen County office, Diamond 2-1900. Any industrial group in the County expecting to enter the League should send two representatives to the meeting, according to Everett W.

Harding, executive secretary of the Industrial Council and the Bergen Cotfhty M. C. A. highly of Coach Ed Fisco's team RF.V. JOSKPH VOPF.LAK Monday.

Urban was accused of violating a rule requiring that every race "be contested by every horse." "They have a pretty good outfit," Father Vopelak played f(Mitball and basketball at Holy Trinity. He he said. "Good balance and a var TEANECK TIES A hospital spokesman reported early today that the boy's condition nd Mrs. John Dot fnr "'e UII OI 1U1 four days for neglecting to take OI Corby to the outside while on a Teaneck. ers raceway la nislif.

TIip 4-year-old horse msnetl by ll.u Roughsedge of Wlikes-Barre. covered the mile 2:07 to win bv three-quarters a knui iU' paid $17.20, S9.I0. and 4:40. In iety of plays they haven't had in recent year." The popular Hasbrouck Heights pilot, who led his team to a 9-0-0 record last season, admitted that the loss of the six players would WITH KEARNY was good. Corpsmen Eugene Sea-STEELERS SIGN PAIR vey, Charles Sievers, and Jack Pittsburgh, Sept.

28 -iThe Na-'Faseian0 completed the run at 5:39 tional Football League's Pittsburgh P- M-Steelers yesterday signed two free, agents, both ex-members of the from Georgia, and fullback Leon Chicago Bears. The new Steelers Muscles Campbell, a N. F. L. are Joe O'Malley, a rookie end, veteran of three years.

CHIEF KNIGHT VICTOR Yonkers. N. Sept. 28 break and Bob Forbes got the same penalty for interfering with Eureka Hanover while driving Ril-da Colby. Chief Knight Star, a 7-1 shot, the second place weaken his cause considerably.

wtis Mr. Pi'iiici ha. '-e was li- Highwaymen In Second Our chances of winning without committed driven by Clint Hodgins, won theiDale. The third featured Chappaqua pace at Yonk-inamic Hal. Both offenses wers Monday.

them," he concluded, "are slight." Soccer Deadlock Teancck Tcaneck High's soccer team held a strong opponent to a tie for the second time in a week yesterday wnen it gained a 1-1 deadlock with Kearny, last year's Group 4 State champs. Teaneck recently opened its sea son by tying West Point Plebes 2-2. The Highwaymen scored in the third period on a goal by Rene alii, while Kearny tied matters on a tally by Hutchinson. Jerry Kersting got an assist on Jalil's goal. Bob Dix, Teaneck goalie, re A Split second is the hig difference! i -V' corded 11 saves.

The lineups: Ktarar 111 Kerstin Majeakol 1 Higier Gavin Jahl ShetUck IB Gille Wascilick R. Gcrshman McAllan Hutchineon CHB.Mumo Gaffney MO" 'ft B. Pairv Cobane LT Woups Brown Dix McLean SCORE BY PERIODS Kearnv 0 0 0 1 1 Teaneck ..001 0 1 SCORING Goals Jalit. Hutchinson. Aaiista Ker-tune.

Saves Dix 1 1 McLean 3. SUBSTITUTIONS Traneck McGulnness Referees Schields. Multck. HACKENSACK BEATEV (Special to the Bergen Evening Record) Weehawken, Sept. 28 Hack-ensack High School opened its soccer season Monday with a 1-0 loss to Weehawken.

The lone goal of the game was scored by the Indians' Bell Bradley in the opening quarter. The ball bounced off a Hackensack defender and into the nets. The lineups: Weehawken 41) Hackrntark OL Wtsnewski Hammerick 1. Smolick Esposlto cr rraverso Maray I R. McLoughlin Hartman OR Bell Brooks Richter B.

Brad lev Kluba Taria Flanagan B. Dunohv Goslin Lennon Sencat SCORE BY PERIODS Hackensack 0 0 0 -0 Weehawken .1 0 0 01 SCORING Goal Bradley. SIBSTITITIONS Weehawken Baisa, Vion. Gattl. Hackensack Cor an.

1 Maroon Squad Suffers Loss To Niacfc, 3-1 (Special to the Bergen Evening Record) A split second is the difference in a plav like this. In ir engine it's even more important. Unless your engine fires on the right 1100 of a second, iwer works against you, not for you. Nyack. N.

Sept. 28 Nyack High School spoiled the opening of Coach Wilbur J. Smith twelfth year as Englewood High School TCP soccer coach yesterday by downing 's the Big Difference etwee the Maroon booters. 3 to 1. Englewood lumped to a short lived 1 to 0 margin in the first period when Engel belted a solo shot past Pyaclc goaltender, Gates.

The home club tied the count In the early part of the second quarter on a goal by Peterson Highest Octane Gasolines gives you spiit-secona "GO" and took the lead on a tally by Siniscalchi. The latter goal came on a penalty kick. Nyack iced the game in the third period on a second goal by Peterson. The lineups: v.ica o- EnlfM OL Gallo Borthwirk I L. Boon Bardgett CT Peterson Knauth I R.

Simsralchl Engel OR Goodman Haiti Meier B. Petrv Seddon B. Foster Ruch LFB. Montalbano B. Clark Gates Kloeber octane gasoline alone can't solve the problem.

It takes both top octane and TCP. TCP, a specially developed Shell additive blended into Shell Premium Gasoline, overcomes the deposits as they form. Because TCP stops pre-firing and spark plug "miss," it gives high octane split-second response. See your Shell Dealer. Get Shell Premium with TCP.

It's the most powerful gasoline Englewood 1 0 9 1 Nyack 0 2 1 SCORING Today's high compression engines are fantastic performers. A touch of your toe gets response in a split second. But deposits that form in your car's engine during daily, short-trip driving soon take the edge off this fine response. In a combustion chamber, for example, these deposits fire the gasoline a split second before the piston reaches firing position. When this happens, you don't get a full-power stroke.

On spark plugs, they cause short circuits. Your engine "misses" more power loss! And, high Goala Peterson 2. Sinischalchi. EngcI. SI BST1TI TIONS Englewood Hoverman, Jackgon Hirsch.

Mills. DiAngelo Refereea Oumanak.v. A. B. Smith.

MACHEN SCORES TKO Richmond. Sept. 28 1P Eddie Machen, Redding heavy- your car can use weciht. scored a 10th round TKO last night over Howard King of SheU'a Trademark for thia unique gaanlioe adHiti developed by Shell Research. Patent applied for.

Reno. Machen weighed 196, King 184. Referee Ray Flores stopped the bout at 2:33 of the final round after King had been floored for an eight-count and was having trou ble defending himself. The win was Machen's ninth in Only Shell Premium Gasoline has hpjli TCP and Top Octane as many pro bouts. REDS BUY TAYLOR New York.

Sept. 3 The Cin nati Redlt-gs today purchased the contract of Jack Taylor, a right handed pitcher, who won 17 games with High Pomt-Thomasville of the Class Carolina League..

The Record from Hackensack, New Jersey (2024)


What is Hackensack New Jersey nickname? ›

I lived in Hackensack for nearly 30 years and the nickname wasn't common when I was growing up there in the '60s. Use of “The Sack” has become common alongside the awful gentrification of the downtown portion of the city going on at the moment.

What is the history of Hackensack New Jersey? ›

The town was first settled as a trading post by the Dutch in 1639, later occupied by the French Huguenots, and, in 1688, by the British. At that time it was known as the township of New Barbadoes. In 1921, by referendum vote, Hackensack received its charter under its present name.

Is Hackensack an Indian name? ›

Hackensack was the exonym given by the Dutch colonists to a band of the Lenape, or Lenni-Lenape ("original men"), a Native American tribe. The name is a Dutch derivation of the Lenape word for what is now the region of northeastern New Jersey along the Hudson and Hackensack rivers.

What was the old name for New Jersey? ›

It was called New Netherlands. (Meet some of the explorers with Professor Foulkii in the Cartoon History.) Small trading colonies sprang up where the present towns of Hoboken and Jersey City are located. The Dutch, Swedes, and Finns were the first European settlers in New Jersey.

What is the best neighborhood in Hackensack? ›

Haworth - Best Neighborhood in Hackensack for Young Families

The borough of Haworth is the best of two worlds: a quiet town, you'll enjoy tree-lined streets and the small-town atmosphere that will remind you of Hallmark Christmas movies, but it's close enough to New York City to be considered a suburb of the city!

Is it expensive to live in Hackensack New Jersey? ›

Hackensack is ranked 54 out of 273 cities across the US in terms of cost of living. The cost of living in Hackensack is 107.6% of the national average.

What is the ethnicity of Hackensack, NJ? ›

The 5 largest ethnic groups in Hackensack, NJ are White (Non-Hispanic) (26.6%), Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) (19.7%), White (Hispanic) (13.3%), Asian (Non-Hispanic) (13%), and Other (Hispanic) (12.9%).

Why is Hackensack called New Barbados? ›

Originally settled by the Dutch in the 1640s, who called it New Barbadoes, it was taken by the English in 1688 but retained its Dutch imprint. In 1921 it was renamed Hackensack, supposedly derived from the Ackinchesacky, or Ackenack, one of the Delaware Indian peoples.

What is New Jersey main nickname? ›

Abraham Browning of Camden is given credit for giving New Jersey the nickname the Garden State.

What is Hackensack hospital known for? ›

With national rankings in eight specialties, including Orthopedics, and the state's best programs in Cardiology, Heart & Vascular Surgery, Urology and Cancer. And it's New Jersey's only hospital ranked nationally in Neurology & Neurosurgery, Geriatrics, Pulmonology & Lung Surgery, and Diabetes & Endocrinology.

What is Hackensack Meridian known for? ›

Hackensack Meridian Health is home to two top 4 hospitals in New Jersey, including Hackensack University Medical Center, the #1 adult and children's hospitals in the state.

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