We all know mood boards are essential for design creatives, but what is it that makes them so significant? Renovating without a mood board is like sitting down at the hair salon and saying, “You can do whatever you want.”
A mood board is a chic and creative way to assemble various items, to clarify your vision and play with current obsessions – as you begin preparing for a new project. Without a clear understanding of the concepts and pieces that your space needs, you will most likely be left with momentary happiness, and soon enough, dislike your sporadic impulses – bangs anyone?
Including just about anything that helps you define your direction and empower the inner creative, ABI recognises mood boards as a crucial element within the design process.
Here are three must-read-reasons as to why you need to be mood boarding.


A picture may be worth a thousand words, but mood boards tell us the story. Visual concepts offer an unlimited source of inspiration that not only captures the aesthetic of your project or renovation but creates an idea about how you want to feel in the finished space.
Designing a mood board allows us to understand and creatively communicate with one another through visualisation. Whether you are consulting with interior designers, builders or even clients, the easiest way to achieve your vision is by bridging the gap between – expressing the ideas and actualising the ideas.
Building on external inspiration and your own thoughts and feelings about a particular space will enable you to navigate the tone and exact direction you wish to go in – producing a visual world that your project will live inside.



Product samples are one of the most beneficial ways to experiment with a colour or texture before investing in the entire set – ensuring that each order will be a worthwhile purchase.Getting colour samples of your desired product allows you to piece together your new space without having to order every cabinetry pull or an entire wall in tiles.When it comes to choosing the perfect fixtures and fittings for your project, it isn’t something you can just gamble on. ABI has created a range of colour samples to give you an exact idea of what our finishes look and feel like without buying the product – you can never be 100% sure… but we know you’ll fall in love with them.Most businesses will let you try before you buy; so whether it’s shopping for tiles or curtains, ask them for a sample, and they should accommodate to your needs.



While you might have already commenced your project with a definitive vision in mind, as you begin directing your attention to other tasks and dealing with various team members, it can be easy to overlook your sole purpose of starting the project.Having a mood board is the perfect way to keep all of your initial goals and ideas in one place so that you can effortlessly look back on it to help determine the decisions you make.Whether you’re a fan of doing it old-school with scrapbooks and pin-boards or you prefer keeping it online; there are hundreds of resources, apps and shareable platforms that will help realise your dream.We would love to see any mood boards that you have created, share your designs with us on Instagram – @abiinteriors



What are the reasons for mood board? ›

Purpose of a Mood Board

Mood boards can serve many purposes, starting with organizing the inspiration around a project. They can be a valuable resource throughout the design project, to help keep the style and aesthetic consistent and on track with a client's goals and expectations.

What is the purpose of creating a mood board? ›

A moodboard is a visual tool that helps you communicate your design concepts and ideas. It's a curated collection of images, materials, colour palettes, text, and other elements arranged to evoke a particular style or feeling.

What should a mood board do? ›

Moodboards are a collage of images, videos, fonts and colors. They're used to communicate a visual direction, reflect a style or convey a mood. A lot of creative industries use them to communicate various things including: Conceptualization: Visualize and explore creative ideas.

What are the four reasons why mood boards can help in the design development stage? ›

A mood board is a visual tool that helps designers explore, develop, and communicate the feel of a design project Arranging color schemes, getting concept clarity, drawing creative inspiration, and nailing branding strategy are the 4 main purposes of a mood board.

What are the pros and cons of moodboards? ›

Pros: A visual approach is likely the fastest, most client-efficient way to showcase design concepts. Mood boards not only save time but allow a more seamless flow of communication between your team and clients. Cons: Unlike other more robust processes, mood boards don't show the detailed timeline of an end project.

What is the purpose of a mood board and mind map? ›

Moods boards are comprised of collected images and objects from outside sources, while mind mapping involves your own free flowing thinking connections. With that said, both methods could be applied and/or combined for some engaging new methods of generating inspiration.

What is the purpose and benefits of creating a mood board in photography? ›

A mood-board can do so many things... It can tell someone how you feel, explain your ideas without words, divide opinion, influence and inspire... or even just be something beautiful to look at. We can make mood-boards work harder for us, we just need to make sure we use them to our advantage.

What is the primary purpose of a mood board in event design? ›

Mood boards serve as a pivotal tool for designers and design teams to visualize and refine design concepts before the actual design process begins. They allow designers to assemble images, textures, color palettes and other elements that represent the intended style in visually appealing ways.

What is the purpose of a physical mood board? ›

Physical mood boards allow you to slow down and really think about each individual aspect of the room, rather than getting distracted by multiple conflicting ideas. The two biggest (and arguably most important) things in our interiors - colour and texture - can look very different on a screen.

Why are mood boards important in film? ›

A moodboard is the perfect way to explore the visual style you want for your film. It's also a fantastic reference for your team—from the director to the costume designer—it helps everyone visualize the end result.

What is the purpose of making a mood habitat board? ›

The meaning of a mood board is to convey your feelings and ideas about a particular topic. It is a presentation and collage existing of images, texts, and samples of those ideas. This collage of images shows a collaborative imagination of your goals with that topic and what you want out of it.

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

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Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.