What are Mood Boards in UX Design? — updated 2024 (2024)

Mood boards in user experience (UX) design are visual collections of design elements like colors, textures and imagery. Designers use them to set a visual direction, share ideas with stakeholders, and maintain a cohesive design language. They serve as inspiration and a reference for the overall look and feel of a product or interface.

Why are Mood Boards Important in UX Design?

Mood boards serve as essential tools in UX design. They provide a visual representation of the emotional and aesthetic direction of a design project. Designers and design teams use them to compile various elements like images, colors, textures and words to convey the intended feel and style of a digital product. Mood boards are important tools to help teams with their creative process and design ideas because they help to:

1. Communicate Ideas Visually

Mood boards visually communicate the feelings or values that a digital product aims to evoke. This visual representation helps stakeholders understand the design direction. Stakeholders should be able to make sense of mood boards, and shouldn’t need technical knowledge to understand what UX or UI (user interface) designers do, or to have seen UX mood board examples before.

What are Mood Boards in UX Design? — updated 2024 (1)

2. Build Consensus

Mood boards facilitate consensus among design teams and stakeholders before the design process begins. They help ensure alignment on the visual direction of a creative project.

3. Facilitate Emotional Connection

Since mood boards define the primary UI colors and visual identity, they help establish an emotional connection with the user, which is crucial for user experience—especially as designers have to empathize with pain points and use problem solving for users in user flows.

See why empathy is vital in design:

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What are the Essential Elements for a Mood Board?

Consider the following table to get an understanding of what should go on a mood board:

Element Type




Images, textures, color palettes

To set the aesthetic tone of the project


Font styles, type treatments

To complement the visual style and tone

UI Components

Buttons, icons, navigation menus

To visualize the functional design elements

Inspirational Elements

Videos, animations, sound clips

To convey dynamic aspects of the design

Organizational Tools

Adobe Spark, Canva, Miro

To assemble and share the mood board

Also, mood boards come in two main formats: physical and digital. Consider the following comparisons between the two:


Physical Mood Boards

Digital Mood Boards

Sensory Experience

Allows interaction with real textures and materials

Limited to visual and auditory senses

Dynamic Elements

Generally static, focusing on tangible elements

Can include videos, animations, and sounds


Requires physical space and materials

Accessible anywhere with digital tools


Can be challenging to share remotely

Easily to share and edit for teams online


Traditional crafting material like foam boards

Digital platforms like Adobe Express and Canva

What are the Benefits of Mood Boards for Design Teams?

Mood boards are especially helpful because they help to:

1. Visualize and Communicate Design Concepts

Mood boards serve as a pivotal tool for designers and design teams to visualize and refine design concepts before the actual design process begins. They allow designers to assemble images, textures, color palettes and other elements that represent the intended style in visually appealing ways. Such boards help ensure all team members and clients share a common understanding of the project's direction from early on. Specifically, mood boards:

  1. Clarify the design vision: Mood boards make abstract ideas tangible. They help to clarify the design vision and remind all stakeholders of the original goals of a digital design or service.

  1. Facilitate client involvement: Since designers can involve clients early in the design process, mood boards ensure there is a mutual understanding and agreement on the project's aesthetic direction. This reduces the likelihood of disagreements later on.

  1. Enhance team collaboration: Mood boards act as a focal point for discussions. They help ensure that all team members align their interpretations and ideas. This fosters better collaboration and creativity.

2. Boost Efficiency and Effectiveness in Design Development

Mood boards not only streamline the design process. They also enhance the effectiveness of the design outcomes. These boards enable designers to experiment with different elements quickly without the need for detailed executions at the early stages. As they do this, mood boards help designers:

  1. Save time and resources: As the boards help visualize ideas early on, they reduce the time a brand spends on revisions. This translates to saving money, and mood boards can help prevent resource wastage for designers, design teams and their brands. Mood boards allow for a more efficient design process.

  1. Promote creative exploration: Designers can create multiple alternatives, play with different color schemes and explore various design directions without the constraints of the full design process. This exploration is especially beneficial for product designers as they don’t have to commit to a single path towards an app or web design at this stage.

3. Serve as a Strategic Tool in Various Design Projects

Whether for digital products or brand development, mood boards are adaptable to various design projects and ensure that all design elements cohesively reflect the intended mood and style. More specifically, mood boards offer designers: 

  1. Versatility across projects: Mood boards are applicable in various design fields, including UX and UI design and product branding. Therefore, they’re a universal tool in the design industry for all sorts of design work, notably visual designs.

  1. Consistency and cohesion: As mood boards establish a clear aesthetic direction from the start, they help maintain consistency across all design elements and different platforms. This quality is crucial for brand identity and user experience. Plus, UI designers can especially benefit from all the visual elements on show in a UI/UX mood board.

What are Mood Boards in UX Design? — updated 2024 (2)

What is the Best Way to Create Effective Mood Boards?

To make and use the most effective mood board, designers can consider this step-by-step approach:

Step 1: Define the Project Direction

Designers define the purpose and goals of their mood board. This clarity will guide the selection of all subsequent elements.

Step 2: Gather Materials

Collect written content like brand values and positioning statements, as well as any existing visuals that clients provide. This includes logos, design elements and images that resonate with the brand's identity.

Step 3: Select Inspiring Imagery and Elements

Designers should choose a mix of images, textures and other elements that align with the concept and mood they aim to convey. These should evoke the emotions and feelings they intend for the project.

Step 4: Incorporate Motion and Sound

For projects that involve interactive elements, it’s important to include examples of video, audio and animation. This helps to convey the dynamic aspects of the design.

Step 5: Add Color and Typography

Colors and fonts are pivotal parts to help set the tone. Designers should use tools like Adobe Color CC and Coolors to find complementary colors, and select typography that reflects the personality of the brand.

Step 6: Organize the Mood Board

Designers should arrange the elements they have collected thoughtfully. They should create a hierarchy, and place key elements prominently and adjust the size and position of others to show their relationship and importance.

Step 7: Stay Open to Inspiration

It’s vital to keep the mood board dynamic and open to changes as new inspirations arise. This flexibility can lead to more creative outcomes.

Step 8: Explain Choices

If designers intend to share the mood board with clients or team members, they should include notes on their thought process and inspirations to help others understand the vision.

Step 9: Collaborate and Refine

Designers need to use the mood board as a tool for collaboration. It’s important to share it with stakeholders to brainstorm and refine ideas. This will help ensure a consistent design vision.

Step 10: Seek Feedback

It’s time to invite feedback from clients and team members. Constructive criticism is essential to ensure the mood board effectively communicates the intended vision.

Watch this video with Design Director at Societe Generale, Morgane Peng for helpful advice about feedback and how to seek it:

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What are Best Practices to Create and Use Mood Boards?

1. Consider Physical and Digital Formats

Designers can create mood boards using both physical and digital methods. It’s important to remember that each offers unique advantages. 

  • Physical mood boards are an excellent way to help engage with tangible elements such as foam or whiteboards. However, team members need to be present to use them.  

  • Digital mood boards let designers include dynamic elements such as video and sound. These can be pivotal to set the mood and atmosphere for a project. Plus, remote teams can use digital boards. Free mood board templates and software for mood boards includes tools like Moodboard, Moodzer, Adobe Express and Canva. These resources can help designers enhance the creation and sharing of digital mood boards.

What are Mood Boards in UX Design? — updated 2024 (3)

2. Encourage Bold and Inventive Creations

When designers work on mood boards, it's crucial to be bold and inventive. This approach allows designers to explore creative boundaries and innovate beyond conventional design frameworks. As mood boards help push the limits of creativity, they are great tools to capture and convey the essence of the intended design, and make a compelling and memorable impact.

3. Use Good Tools to Create Mood Boards

Utilize digital tools like Canva, Adobe Spark and Miro to assemble mood boards. These platforms offer flexibility and collaborative features that are beneficial for team projects. The best websites to create mood boards and software resources provide extremely helpful resources for teams who seek to leverage mood boards as powerful collaborative tools.

4. Gather UI Components

Include specific UI components like buttons, forms and icons. These elements should complement the overall design and help visualize the functional aspects of the project.

5. Document and Share

Once the design team has finalized a mood board, they should document and share it with all project stakeholders. This ensures everyone can align with the visual direction and design goals.

6. Take a User-Centric Approach

Designers need to consider the target audience's preferences and expectations to ensure the mood board resonates with them. As with many other deliverables, a mood board is a design. Therefore, it’s important to ensure that it can access and inform stakeholders and individuals from non-design backgrounds.

7. Achieve Brand Alignment

The elements in the mood board should align with the brand's values and identity to maintain consistency across the product. The best examples of mood boards bring out the organization’s essence appropriately.

What are Mood Boards in UX Design? — updated 2024 (4)

8. Include Comprehensive Elements

Beyond visuals, mood boards in UX design should include tone-of-voice words, marketing ideas and interaction-design patterns. This comprehensive approach helps designers and design teams develop a holistic design strategy from the moment they consider how to make mood boards that transmit the best ideas for collaboration and brand success.

9. Remember the Important Ingredients

Aside from having easy access to materials such as the best tools and websites to create mood boards, designers should keep their eye on their brand, message, themes, and other design aspects regarding what users would expect or like. So, it’s particularly important to keep the following in mind:

Overall, it’s vital to remember that mood boards are not just a way to assemble inspiring images. They are a strategic tool in UX design. They help translate abstract concepts into visual narratives that guide the design process. When designers, other design team members and other stakeholders find themselves in alignment, they can ensure that the final product conveys the desired emotional and aesthetic experience to all users.

Learn More about Mood Boards

Take our course Creativity: Methods to Design Better Products and Services.

Take our Master Class Harness Your Creativity To Design Better Products with Alan Dix, Professor, Author and Creativity Expert.

Read Mood Boards in UX: How and Why to Use Them by Lillian Yang for more insights.

Consult 20 Best Mood Board Examples for UI/UX Designer by Summer Ye for more insights as well as examples and some of the best websites for mood boards.

Go to Use Your Inspiration – A Guide to Mood Boards by Cameron Chapman for additional in-depth information.

Read The ultimate guide to mood boards for UI Designers (and how to create your own) by Emily Stevens for more insights and examples.

See Inspiring mood board examples by Joseph Downs for effective mood board examples and more.

Questions about Mood Boards

What elements should I include in a UX design mood board?

To create a UX design mood board, you should include several key elements to ensure it effectively communicates the visual direction and emotional tone of the project.

  1. Incorporate images that reflect the project's style, including color palettes, typography, and visual patterns. These images set the foundational visual aspects.

  1. Add user interface elements such as buttons, icons and layouts that resonate with the intended user experience. These components help stakeholders visualize the potential look and feel of the final product.

  1. Integrate logos and branding elements to align the mood board with the company's identity, making it crucial for maintaining brand consistency.

  1. Include inspirational elements like quotes, art, and design motifs that can spark creativity and guide the project's aesthetic theme. Textures and materials, whether physical or digital, add depth to the mood board and can suggest tactile experiences relevant to the product.

  1. Integrate user personas and key user journey excerpts, as they can contextualize the visual choices in terms of user needs and behaviors, making the mood board not only a design tool but also a user-centered strategy document.

Author and Human-Computer Interaction Expert, Professor Alan Dix explains personas in this video:

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Can mood boards improve communication in UX design teams?

Yes, mood boards can significantly improve communication in UX design teams. These visual tools convey design concepts and emotions that words alone might fail to express. When designers use mood boards, they can share visual ideas in a cohesive and compelling manner. Here are some important reasons:

  1. Mood boards serve as a common language for all team members, regardless of their design expertise. When designers present mood boards, they visually communicate the aesthetic and emotional direction of a project. This clarity helps team members from different backgrounds understand the design vision and contribute more effectively.

  1. Mood boards facilitate feedback. Team members can easily reference specific elements within the mood board to suggest changes or enhancements. This structured approach to feedback makes the revision process quicker and more targeted.

  1. Mood boards help in aligning the team’s vision. They ensure that every team member understands and agrees on the project's visual and emotional goals. This alignment reduces miscommunication and ensures consistency across different parts of the project.

UX Designer and Author of Build Better Products and UX for Lean Startups, Laura Klein explains the value of cross-functional teams and collaboration in this video:

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Take our course Creativity: Methods to Design Better Products and Services.

How often should I update a mood board during a UX project?

You should update a mood board frequently throughout a UX project to ensure it remains relevant and reflective of the evolving design process. Ideally, you would adjust the mood board at several key stages:

  1. Initial research phase: After you gather initial user insights and project requirements, update the mood board to align with these findings. This adaptation helps steer the project in the right direction from the start.

  1. Concept development: As design concepts begin to take shape, revisit the mood board to incorporate new ideas and inspiration that may have surfaced. This ensures that the board evolves alongside the design thinking process.

  1. Client or stakeholder feedback: Whenever you receive feedback from clients or stakeholders, make necessary updates to the mood board. This keeps the board in sync with any changes in project direction or user needs based on the feedback.

  1. Final revisions: Before finalizing the project, update the mood board to reflect any last-minute adjustments or refinements. This final update ensures that what the team delivers aligns closely with the mood board’s guidance.

By updating the mood board at these stages, you maintain its effectiveness as a communication and inspiration tool throughout the project lifecycle.

Take our Master Class Harness Your Creativity To Design Better Products with Alan Dix, Professor, Author and Creativity Expert.

How can mood boards help in user research for UX design?

Mood boards can greatly aid in user research for UX design by visually capturing and communicating user needs and preferences. Designers can effectively use mood boards in this context, to:

  1. Visualize user personas: Designers create mood boards to represent different user personas. These boards include images, colors, and items that reflect potential users' lifestyles, preferences, and environments. This visualization helps design teams empathize with and understand their target users better.

  1. Explore design concepts: Mood boards allow designers to experiment with various aesthetic and functional aspects of product design. When designers assemble different visual elements, they can discover which styles resonate most with their intended audience, guiding the design direction.

  1. Facilitate discussion: During user research sessions, a good technique to spark conversations is to present mood boards. Users react to visual stimuli, providing insights into their preferences and emotional responses. This feedback is crucial for refining user personas and design strategies.

  1. Testing User Reactions: Designers use mood boards to test and evaluate user reactions to different design elements before finalizing the UX design. If designers observe users’ reactions to a mood board, it can reveal preferences and aversions that might not emerge through verbal feedback alone.

When designers leverage mood boards, they can gain valuable insights into user behavior and preferences, which informs a more user-centered design process.

UX Strategist and Consultant, William Hudson explains the importance of user research:

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Read our piece Personas for Mobile UX Design for helpful insights into user personas.

What are some common mistakes when designers create mood boards for UX?

When designers create UX mood boards, they often make several common mistakes that can affect the effectiveness of their projects; they might:

  1. Overload it with information: Designers sometimes fill mood boards with too many images, textures and colors. This clutter can confuse rather than clarify the design vision. It's crucial to select elements that truly represent the user experience and stick to them.

  1. Make the board lack focus: Some mood boards lack a clear focus or theme, which makes it hard for others to understand the intended message. Designers should ensure that every item on the mood board contributes to a cohesive narrative about the user experience.

  1. Ignore the target audience: It’s a mistake to create a mood board based solely on personal preference or trendiness without considering the target audience. The board should reflect the tastes, needs, and expectations of the actual users, not just the designer’s style.

  1. Make it inconsistent with project goals: Sometimes, mood boards do not align with the project’s objectives or the brand’s identity. This misalignment can lead to designs that feel disconnected from the project’s core mission. Designers must ensure that the mood board supports and enhances the project goals.

To avoid these mistakes will lead to more effective and impactful mood boards that truly aid the UX design process.

Understand why user research to know your target audience and more is such a vital part of design:

UX Strategist and Consultant, William Hudson explains the importance of user research:

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How do I present a mood board to stakeholders in UX projects?

When you present a mood board to stakeholders in UX projects, it's important to do so clearly and effectively to ensure they understand and appreciate the design vision. Here are steps to guide you through this process:

  1. Prepare your presentation: Start by organizing your mood board visually and thematically. Ensure it's not just attractive but also logically arranged to guide stakeholders through your design concepts.

  1. Explain the purpose: Begin your presentation by explaining the purpose of the mood board. Tell stakeholders what it represents and how it relates to the project goals. This sets the context for what they are about to see.

  1. Highlight key elements: Walk through the mood board by pointing out key elements. Explain why you chose specific colors, textures and images, and how these relate to the project’s user personas and objectives.

  1. Link to user needs: Make clear connections between the mood board and the user research. Explain how the elements you’ve chosen align with what you know about the target users.

  1. Invite feedback: Encourage stakeholders to give feedback. Ask specific questions about elements of the mood board to gauge their reactions and gather useful insights.

  1. Discuss next steps: Conclude by discussing how the mood board will influence further design decisions and what the next steps in the project will be.

If you follow these steps, you can help ensure that your mood board presentation is engaging and serves as a productive tool in advancing your UX project with stakeholders.

Watch this video, where Design Director at Societe Generale, Morgane Peng explains important points about feedback.

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Take our course Creativity: Methods to Design Better Products and Services.

How do I choose the right images for a UX design mood board?

It’s crucial to choose the right images for a UX design mood board to effectively convey your design vision. Here are some steps to guide you in selecting the most appropriate images:

  1. Understand the project goals: First, clarify the goals of your project. When you understand what you need to achieve, it helps you determine the mood, style and elements that your images should communicate.

  1. Define your user persona: Consider who your users are. Select images that resonate with the demographics, preferences and lifestyles of your target audience. This alignment ensures your mood board speaks directly to those who will interact with the final product.

  1. Gather inspiration: Collect a wide range of images that inspire you and are relevant to your project. Look for images in design magazines, online platforms or your own photo collections that match the project's tone and style.

  1. Select cohesive elements: Choose images that work well together. They should have a consistent color scheme, style and mood. This cohesion will help your mood board communicate a clear and unified message.

  1. Refine your choices: Narrow down your selections by removing any images that do not directly support your design objectives or that clutter the visual space. Aim for a balance of inspiring yet concise visual information.

If you follow these steps, you can ensure that the images on your mood board effectively contribute to the UX design process, which helps you communicate your vision clearly and persuasively.

Professor Alan Dix explains user personas in this video:

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Take our course Creativity: Methods to Design Better Products and Services.

How detailed should a mood board be for UX design?

For UX design, you should make a mood board detailed enough to convey the visual and emotional tone of the project but not so cluttered that it loses clarity. The level of detail in a mood board will influence how well it communicates your design intentions to both the design team and stakeholders. Here’s how to find the right balance:

  1. Focus on key elements: Include critical elements such as color palettes, typography, imagery and textures. These should directly relate to the project’s theme and user experience goals.

  1. Convey the atmosphere: Use images and materials that evoke the desired emotional response. This helps stakeholders and team members feel the user experience rather than just see it.

  1. Maintain clarity: While it’s important to be comprehensive, avoid overcrowding your mood board. Each element should serve a purpose. To overload the mood board can dilute the main message and confuse the viewer.

  1. Include inspirational components: Add elements that inspire creativity and innovation without straying from the project’s core objectives. This might include conceptual sketches or abstract images that capture the project's essence.

If you balance these aspects, your mood board should effectively guide the UX design process, and help ensure that every participant understands and aligns with the intended design direction.

Professor Alan Dix talks about the right environments that are conducive to creativity in this video:

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  1. Copyright holder: GerritR. Appearance time: 6:54 - 6:59 Copyright license and terms: CC-BY-SA-4.0 Link: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Blick_auf_das_Dylan_Thomas_Boathouse_und_die_Trichterm%C3%BCndung_des_Taf,_Wales.jpg

Take our course Creativity: Methods to Design Better Products and Services.

Can I use mood boards in agile UX design processes?

Yes, you can effectively use mood boards in agile UX design processes. Mood boards fit well within the iterative and flexible nature of agile methodologies. Here’s how designers integrate mood boards into agile UX processes:

  1. Start early: Designers create mood boards in the initial stages of the project to set the visual tone and direction. This early integration helps guide sprints by providing a clear aesthetic reference.

  1. Update regularly: As the project evolves through various sprints, designers update the mood boards to reflect changes, new insights and feedback from stakeholders. This ongoing adjustment keeps the mood board relevant and aligned with the project's progress.

  1. Facilitate quick feedback: Mood boards enable quick visual communication, which is essential in agile environments where decisions need to be made rapidly. They help stakeholders and team members provide prompt and clear feedback during sprint reviews.

  1. Enhance collaboration: Mood boards serve as a central visual tool that all team members can refer to. This enhances understanding and collaboration across different disciplines involved in the project. To use mood boards in agile UX design not only helps maintain a consistent visual direction but also supports the dynamic and collaborative nature of agile development.

Take our Master Class Design For Agile: Common Mistakes And How To Avoid Them with Laura Klein, Principal – Users Know and Senior Design Educator – IxDF.

Laura Klein explains the value of cross-functional teams and collaboration in this video:

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What are the limitations of using mood boards in UX design?

While mood boards are valuable tools in UX design, they come with certain limitations that designers need to consider:

  1. Subjectivity: Mood boards can be highly subjective. Different viewers might interpret the visual elements in varied ways. These can lead to misunderstandings about the design direction. This subjectivity can make it challenging to ensure that everyone has a unified understanding of the project goals.

  1. Lack of functionality insight: Mood boards focus primarily on visual and emotional aspects of design, which means they do not provide much insight into the functionality or usability of a product. This can lead to an overemphasis on aesthetics at the expense of practical user experience considerations.

  1. Time-consuming: To create and update mood boards can be time-consuming. In fast-paced projects or those with tight deadlines, it might not be feasible to spend significant time on mood boards.

  1. Static nature: Mood boards are typically static and might not adapt well to the evolving nature of a project once the design process moves forward. They may not effectively capture changes or developments that occur as the project progresses.

Designers must weigh these limitations against the benefits of mood boards and consider whether they are the right tool for each specific project and stage of the design process.

Take our course Creativity: Methods to Design Better Products and Services.

What are highly cited scientific articles about the subject of mood boards?

  1. Chang, H. M., Díaz, M., Català, A., Chen, W., & Rauterberg, M. (2014). Mood Boards as a Universal Tool for Investigating Emotional Experience. In Design, User Experience, and Usability. User Experience Design Practice (pp. 220-231). Springer, Cham.

This publication examines the use of mood boards as a tool for evaluating emotional experiences in design. The authors found that mood boards have high inter-rater reliability, suggesting they can be used as a universal evaluation tool for research on emotion. The paper demonstrates how mood boards can provide insights into the emotional aspects of user experience, which is crucial for effective UX design. The study involved both design students and non-design students, and showed that mood boards can be interpreted similarly across different groups, making them a versatile tool for investigating emotional responses to design.

  1. Warbung, T., Soedarso, N., Carina, R., Zahra, A., Wibowo, A., & Wibowo, A. (2021). Persona in a form of mood boards as a part of the design process. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 729(1), 012024.

This publication explores the use of persona-based mood boards as a tool in the design process. The authors present a case study of a garment company in Indonesia that used persona-based mood boards to develop a visual identity. The paper demonstrates how persona can help designers better understand target consumers and their needs, which is then translated into a mood board to communicate the design concept. The study highlights the value of mood boards in aligning clients and designers, minimizing guesswork and facilitating the ideation process. As such, this publication provides insights into the role of mood boards as a boundary object that bridges the gap between user understanding and design execution.

What are Mood Boards in UX Design? — updated 2024 (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.