Why does nobody eat duck eggs anymore? (2024)

  • busby Feb 16, 2010 Link Reply Why does nobody eat duck eggs anymore? (1)

    Do what I did with Duck eggs…I bought 6 put them in an incubator and 4 hatched, I now have 2 breeding pairs and 2 fresh duck eggs every day. They are much nicer and absolutely superb to bake with, sponges are always fluffyIncubation was very easy and rewarding.

  • Kavey Apr 4, 2010 Link Reply Why does nobody eat duck eggs anymore? (2)

    I adore duck eggs.
    During my childhood close family friends had both ducks and geese so we'd often enjoy duck and goose eggs.
    Since then, it's been harder to find them – as you say supermarkets only rarely stock them.
    I do buy them now and again when I pass a farm shop on the way out of London to the North, it's only open on Saturdays and we don't pass it that often. And sometimes, when we do, they've run out as the duck eggs are popular!

  • Alison Apr 4, 2010 Link Reply Why does nobody eat duck eggs anymore? (3)

    my sister eat often this eggs,only boiled.but i 'm to scare about salmonella…

  • Kathy Gori Apr 4, 2010 Link Reply Why does nobody eat duck eggs anymore? (4)

    a girl in my class at school always used to eat them..somehow…I don't know….they just were always off limits…thanks for the explanation why

  • Katie Apr 4, 2010 Link Reply Why does nobody eat duck eggs anymore? (5)

    The only time I have ever eaten duck eggs was at a hotel in Scotland a couple of years ago. I thought they were delicious and really rich. I will have to look out for them.

  • Nate Apr 4, 2010 Link Reply Why does nobody eat duck eggs anymore? (6)

    Great post. I'm intrigued – I've seen duck eggs in the grocery store, but I've been fairly ambivalent on eggs until recently.

  • Anonymous Apr 4, 2010 Link Reply Why does nobody eat duck eggs anymore? (7)

    My favorite chocolate chip cookies are so much better when I substitute with duck eggs. They are impossible to purchase in the US; but a family friend has some ducks and the 3 hour drive to their farm is definitely worth it.

    • Brenda Nov 23, 2015 Link Reply Why does nobody eat duck eggs anymore? (8)

      Metzer Farms, a breeder in California has a list of duck egg sellers in the US on their website.

    • Bob Crean Apr 1, 2024 Link Reply Why does nobody eat duck eggs anymore? (9)

      You drive 3 hours for duck eggs?

  • Cookin' Canuck Apr 4, 2010 Link Reply Why does nobody eat duck eggs anymore? (10)

    I enjoyed this post and am now going to search for duck eggs!

  • TasteHongKong Apr 4, 2010 Link Reply Why does nobody eat duck eggs anymore? (11)

    Seldom do i see fresh duck eggs in the market as well, but they are still popular for use in making Cantonese style noodles.

  • Amy C Apr 4, 2010 Link Reply Why does nobody eat duck eggs anymore? (12)

    I would LOVE to get my hands on duck eggs.

    • Roxana Apr 5, 2020 Link Reply Why does nobody eat duck eggs anymore? (13)

      I have a place about 1000 ft from where I live that I just paid $4 for 18 eggs. They are mixed, 5 chicken and 13 duck. This is a steal considering the recent price gouging in stores for staples. I make my own bread, too. Peóple are home, they may as well learn to make it. It’s so much better than store bought, and less than half the price.

  • No-Frills Recipes Apr 4, 2010 Link Reply Why does nobody eat duck eggs anymore? (14)

    Good info. Back here, salted eggs are made from duck eggs, so is the century egg. But fresh duck eggs are hard to come by, not so popular as hen eggs.

  • Jessie Apr 4, 2010 Link Reply Why does nobody eat duck eggs anymore? (15)

    i never had duck eggs, heck I never knew you could eat duck eggs. This is very informative!

  • wasabi prime Apr 4, 2010 Link Reply Why does nobody eat duck eggs anymore? (16)

    Ooh, I'll have to keep an eye out at farmer's markets or specialty stores. I've never had duck eggs, but I like the idea of baking with them to compare the consistency of favorite recipes.

  • penny aka jeroxie Apr 4, 2010 Link Reply Why does nobody eat duck eggs anymore? (17)

    It is hard to find fresh duck eggs. Usually they are cooked or salted already. I agree that duck eggs are best eaten simply.

  • Abby Apr 4, 2010 Link Reply Why does nobody eat duck eggs anymore? (18)

    What a coincidence, I just had preserved duck eggs today!

  • citronetvanille Apr 4, 2010 Link Reply Why does nobody eat duck eggs anymore? (19)

    Funny I bought duck eggs yesterday and was thinking to make an omelette and post it tomorrow. Great post!

  • Choclette Apr 4, 2010 Link Reply Why does nobody eat duck eggs anymore? (20)

    Glad you raised this topic – maybe we need a duck egg awareness campaign! I use duck eggs in my baking all the time. I'm lucky enough to have a local organic shop that sells them – properly free range and organic. In fact I wrote a post on my blog about duck eggs a couple of months ago.

  • foodlovee Apr 4, 2010 Link Reply Why does nobody eat duck eggs anymore? (21)

    Here duck eggs are salted egg which are used very common in cooking.Like salted egg crab,prawns etc.

  • Mae Apr 4, 2010 Link Reply Why does nobody eat duck eggs anymore? (22)

    These are very rare in the US. The only sure source I know of to get them in the Chicago area is at asian markets. You're able to find them shipped in from surrounding farms there.

    Thanks for a great article on an under used, wonderful alternative to the chicken egg!

  • Fresh Local and Best Apr 4, 2010 Link Reply Why does nobody eat duck eggs anymore? (23)

    I grew up eating duck eggs and in fact my grandparents used to raise ducks. The ducks used to chase after us when we took their eggs away. It's been so long that I've forgotten how they taste, and this is a good reminder for me to seek them out.

  • Rachel J Apr 4, 2010 Link Reply Why does nobody eat duck eggs anymore? (24)

    funny I've never had duck eggs nor have I ever thought about them on the same plane as chicken eggs. Thanks for the exposure!

  • Brian Apr 4, 2010 Link Reply Why does nobody eat duck eggs anymore? (25)

    Hi everyone, Its great to read these comments on duck eggs! We set up a new business last year producing and seling duck eggs! We are the largest in Ireland now with over 2500 ducks! Our company is called Glenfin Free Range Duck Eggs. Visit our website http://www.glenfinfarm.ie and if you are visiting Ireland at some stage, keep an eye out for them! They are delicious. Has anyone ever tried them poached? yummy!…

  • Will Geary May 15, 2010 Link Reply Why does nobody eat duck eggs anymore? (26)

    Hi everyone,
    I am selling free-range duck eggs. My own ducks produce around 30 large eggs a week, but in total we collect around 140 eggs a week. We currently sell them at the local poultry auction as their isn’t much demand for them privately. However this forum has suggested that there actually is demand. I wanted to find out reasons for people ignoring Duck eggs, so I visited this site and now I know! You guys have really positive views on Duck eggs, so that’s a relief. The excuses about salmonella poisoning has little truth, and we have had no problems with our eggs. I have advertised our eggs on the village’s webpage but have had no sales yet. The article is correct about duck eggs – they are fantastic for baking (much better than those Chicken eggs) mainly because Chicken eggs have a higher water content in the white than a duck’s white. There is more yolk to white than in a Chicken egg, too – making them better for use in Omlettes etc. I am hoping to hatch out more ducklings this year so that I can sell the eggs next year – and if adequate demand is there (and I’m selling most of the eggs produced a week) I will have them all vaccinated for salmonella to put any anxieties to rest.
    The duck eggs are larger than chicken eggs, are free-range, are collected fresh every day, and are washed and packed ready for you to enjoy.
    Duck eggs are £2.40 for a dozen (Our local Waitrose branch sells them for £4.70 for a dozen!).
    If you are interested in purchasing fresh, free-range Duck eggs, or just want to find out more information, please call 01672 540819 (Wiltshire) or e-mail [emailprotected]
    Thank you.

  • Paul B Jul 21, 2010 Link Reply Why does nobody eat duck eggs anymore? (27)

    I eat duck eggs all the time. I'd never eat hen's eggs if I were able to have a duck's egg instead. Some of the prices mentioned here are terrible though! I get them from a local farmer for £1 a half dozen!

    • rich Jul 21, 2010 Link Reply

      £1 – £2 for half a dozen seems about right.

  • Kristen Nov 21, 2010 Link Reply Why does nobody eat duck eggs anymore? (29)

    I'm in the US, and we usually have duck eggs at our weekly farmer's market. I tried a couple fried and noticed that the taste was similar, if slightly more watery, than hens' eggs. Interestingly, they usually don't sell out nearly as quickly as the hens' eggs, and since I'm a late riser, I think I'll end up getting some again!

    I was hesitant to use them to replace hens' eggs in cooking because of the odd sizes — especially in baking. Has anyone used them in baking?

  • Joel Dec 18, 2010 Link Reply Why does nobody eat duck eggs anymore? (30)

    I love them in omlettes or fried, they are slightly more expensive than hens eggs, but only about the same as free range xl hens eggs which i usually buy. They worth the extra tho. Morrisons an Tesco sell them most of year, they are not seasonal but lay less and harder to get in colder months. Barnsley indoor market the only place iv been able to get them in recent weeks! £1.40 for 6 eggs, slightly less than i normally pay

  • Bruce Apr 4, 2011 Link Reply Why does nobody eat duck eggs anymore? (31)

    I have a goose egg for breakfast everyday, soft boiled (9 mins) and an army of soldiers, it's great.

    i try to give away excess duck and goose eggs, but no-body knows what to do with them. shame on them!

  • Ste Apr 11, 2011 Link Reply Why does nobody eat duck eggs anymore? (32)

    I had my first duck eggs today & thought they were vewy noice! I got them from Morrisons 🙂

  • beverley Apr 13, 2011 Link Reply Why does nobody eat duck eggs anymore? (33)

    anybody in the buckinghamshire/beds area we sell fresh free range eggs for £2.00 per half dozen everyday of the week, we also sell eggs for incubation, if you want to have your own laying duck, or ducks at laying stage. Email for more details

  • stephen May 2, 2011 Link Reply Why does nobody eat duck eggs anymore? (34)

    I have kept two breeding pairs of ducks for some years,the eggs are large and fantastic for baking I do egg them as well but the rest of the family won,t?

    • rich May 12, 2011 Link Reply

      …their loss, more for you!

  • pam May 8, 2011 Link Reply Why does nobody eat duck eggs anymore? (36)

    had aduck egg omelette last night felt quite ill after with upset stomach think you need to cook for longer than a chicken egg one

  • Hay May 20, 2011 Link Reply Why does nobody eat duck eggs anymore? (37)

    WE EAT THEM DAILY! I completely adore them and have to say I prefer them over chicken eggs every day…you always seem to get so much more yolk to white!

    We buy them locally from a wholefood shop and they are the same price (6 for £1.60) as chicken eggs in the supermarket. they are fab with soldiers before work, yum!

  • b Jul 30, 2011 Link Reply Why does nobody eat duck eggs anymore? (38)


    i had a fried duck egg this morning, it was good!!

    Nice big yolk, just out of curiosity whats the difference between eggs for eating and eggs for incubating?

    i’d love to hatch one or two…

    thanks, and f**k mass produced chickens/eggs!! that taste like water!!


    • Roxana Apr 5, 2020 Link Reply Why does nobody eat duck eggs anymore? (39)

      First, you need to put a quarter in the potty mouth jar 😁. All farm eggs are fertile, chicken and duck. If it goes from the bird to the refrigerator, it will not develope into anything except a great egg to cook with and eat. They should not be washed untill you’re ready to use them. They will last for months if treated this way. Store bought eggs have been washed. Without the protective barrier they have, they don’t last as long.

  • lewis daniels Aug 10, 2011 Link Reply Why does nobody eat duck eggs anymore? (40)


  • Marilyn Thorne Oct 31, 2011 Link Reply Why does nobody eat duck eggs anymore? (41)

    Duck eggs are really fantastic. I had never tried one until a Vet friend of mine offered me some from a grateful farmer he had helped. They are wonderfully nourishing and if I eat one for breakfast, I do not feel hungry for the rest of the day. The flavour is absolutely beautiful and I just cannot understand why the supermarkets do not sell them.

    • Sue Threlfall Nov 12, 2011 Link Reply Why does nobody eat duck eggs anymore? (42)

      The answer from Tesco, where I got my last (and the only ones)duck eggs, is that they are no longer stocking them because there is not the demand for them! I’m now on the hunt for producers/suppliers in West Norfolk! I’ve found someone at Spalding that I might have to try, if I can’t get someone near King’s Lynn. Anyone know a duck egg producer?

  • George Millar Dec 12, 2011 Link Reply Why does nobody eat duck eggs anymore? (43)

    We live on a farm. Have had ducks here for many years. Fresh duck eggs every day. Great boiled, scrambled and fried. They are also brilliant for baking. We love our duck eggs, very nutritious and we are all healthy!!!

  • jessie mcmillan Apr 23, 2012 Link Reply Why does nobody eat duck eggs anymore? (44)

    I’ve been given some duck eggs today by a friend who keeps a duck and some chickens and thanks to all the tips i’ll be frying my duck eggs in butter tonight and will let you know my views when i’ve tried them!

  • jessie mcmillan Jun 16, 2012 Link Reply Why does nobody eat duck eggs anymore? (45)

    I did indeed try the duck eggs and they were delicious! They definitely had a more distinctive taste but that wasn’t a bad thing. They are obviously bigger so they go further. I also used them to make pancakes and they made a very light smooth mixture.

  • Anne Young Jul 11, 2012 Link Reply Why does nobody eat duck eggs anymore? (46)

    Bought from a neighbour in Somerset, I’ve just opened a “guaranteed sold to me on the day laid” duck egg and there was a piece of green-lookig fungus the size of an English pence piece along the membrane of the yolk. I’ve taken it back to the producer who has never seen this before, shown it to a couple of other people who also don’t know what it could be. It looks similar to the green penicillin growth you find sometimes on the top of home-made jams, and has no smell. Fortunately, I was able to lift the whole thing out of the batter.
    Any ideas

  • Ellie Green Jan 2, 2013 Link Reply Why does nobody eat duck eggs anymore? (47)

    l love duck eggs………..they make the best egg custard in the world. So creamy. Tastes like cream added even when just made with milk!! I use them for everything I’d use hens eggs for Worth the extra cost and more!! Suggest if anyone has tummy upset after an omelette made with duck eggs they need carting off to the funny (Hen?) farm! must be in the mind, or from something else and coincidence.

  • Bruce Morris Mar 24, 2013 Link Reply Why does nobody eat duck eggs anymore? (48)

    I was told not to eat a duck egg from a duck that has been with a drake. Is that true or false?

  • Mick Holdaway Oct 4, 2013 Link Reply Why does nobody eat duck eggs anymore? (49)

    Thats false. It is a question of do you object to it posibly being fertile or not. most farm produced duck eggs will probably be fertile. It is only the commercialy produced eggs that are not.

  • Laura Larkin May 5, 2020 Link Reply Why does nobody eat duck eggs anymore? (50)

    We love our duck’s eggs! Here in WV several people sell them on Facebook market page.
    Any baked item is double good with duck eggs!

  • Mike Sparrow Jun 6, 2020 Link Reply Why does nobody eat duck eggs anymore? (51)

    Just had a couple poached, with proper smoked bacon (with rind on – when did you last see that), black pud and toast. All from local farm shop. Delicious.

  • Nicole Wright Jun 19, 2020 Link Reply Why does nobody eat duck eggs anymore? (52)

    I am from New Mexico and I raise and sell my Ducks eggs. I do and will take orders for them if any one is interested.

  • Gert Nov 24, 2020 Link Reply Why does nobody eat duck eggs anymore? (53)

    Just ate my first fried duck egg tonight..Delicious
    .I was given 2 ducks was hoping for a pair but have 2 females and they both are laying.Plan on using most for baking..

  • Leonor De Aguiar Nov 29, 2020 Link Reply Why does nobody eat duck eggs anymore? (54)

    Just remembered when I was young growing up in rural areas of Portugal 😁 plenty eggs of every bird…..duck eggs were for baking and omelette with parsley 😋

  • karen moy Jan 30, 2022 Link Reply Why does nobody eat duck eggs anymore? (55)

    As a little kid my mom made salted duck. It’s was greatest, now I find fresh duck at Asian markets and Wholefood.

  • Maria Kane Sep 18, 2022 Link Reply Why does nobody eat duck eggs anymore? (56)

    I have 3 ducks that give me about a dozen eggs a week. I heard that Asians are use to duck eggs from their country and since they are not sold in grocery stores here in the US. that makes my duck eggs a rarity. I happen to find a client who happens to be Asian and looks forward to driving to my house just to buy these eggs. I do not like to eat duck eggs because ducks are so dirty and their eggs are always covered in mud and poop. I wash them just before she comes over but the eggs gross me out. My chicken eggs are always clean so I will eat those.

  • Corrie Feb 19, 2023 Link Reply Why does nobody eat duck eggs anymore? (57)

    My mom has ducks and chicken and we sell the eggs out of our store in central Washington. I love them and use duck eggs almost exclusively. Im vegan for the most part except I eat farm chicken or duck eggs, so more accurately “veggan”

  • Why does nobody eat duck eggs anymore? (2024)


    Why does nobody eat duck eggs anymore? ›

    Duck eggs fell out of fashion just after the Second World War when a health scare connected eating duck eggs with outbreaks of salmonella poisoning. The evidence seemed a little thin, but the connection in the public consciousness took hold, and demand for duck eggs plummeted.

    Why are duck eggs unpopular? ›

    Cons: Some people may find duck eggs more rubbery than chicken eggs and not enjoy the texture. In some instances, duck eggs are much more rich than chicken eggs and could lead to an upset stomach, or the richness just might not be your favorite.

    Why do people not eat duck eggs? ›

    Salmonella can cause serious illness, particularly in vulnerable people. The FSAI advises to only consume duck eggs that have been thoroughly cooked, and to avoid using raw duck eggs in any dishes that will not be cooked thoroughly prior to eating.

    Why are there no duck eggs? ›

    Why are duck eggs not sold in stores? I think the main reason you can't find duck eggs in your local grocery store is simply supply and demand. Chicken eggs are the more common, well-known egg and they're what folks expect to find at the store.

    Why don't more people eat duck? ›

    The increased cost of raising ducks means the cost of duck meat will also be higher. Many Americans never get to experience duck meat because it can only be found on menus in high-end restaurants. Hunters are the few exceptions to this rule, as duck can be a popular target for meat.

    What are the problems with duck eggs? ›

    Duck eggs may not be a good choice if you have an egg allergy or are at a high risk of heart disease.

    Do duck eggs taste different? ›

    Overall, duck eggs and chicken eggs taste similar. However, the flavor of duck eggs may be more intense than that of chicken eggs. Duck eggs tend to be 50–100% larger than chicken eggs. They also have a deep orange yolk that people often say is much richer and creamier than chicken egg yolk.

    Is it illegal to eat duck eggs? ›

    Duck eggs are edible.

    How to tell if duck eggs are bad? ›

    Duck eggs have a thicker shell than chicken eggs so they stay fresher for longer. If you crack an egg and it has a rancid, sulfur smell, the egg has spoiled and should not be used. To test the freshness of your eggs, put the egg in a glass of water. If it sinks, it is okay to eat.

    Do chefs use duck eggs? ›

    Chefs love them for baking, custards, creme brulee, mayonnaise—anything that benefits from a thick, rich egg. Interestingly, a duck egg has 15% more yolk than a comparably sized chicken egg. This extra yolk also provides more cholesterol, with duck eggs having twice that of chicken eggs.

    Why don't they sell duck eggs in grocery stores? ›

    So why don't you see them being sold alongside chicken eggs in grocery stores? If you're short on time, here's a quick answer to your question: Duck eggs have a thicker shell and lower production volume making them difficult to mass produce and package for retail grocery shelves.

    Do Americans eat duck eggs? ›

    If so, then you'll love our FREE Beginner's Guide to Homesteading! In this guide you'll learn how homesteading can create a more enjoyable and healthy life. Grab your free Beginner's Guide to Homesteading here! ​Here in the U.S., chicken eggs are the most commonly eaten egg, but duck eggs are quickly gaining favor.

    Are duck eggs healthy? ›

    However you serve them, duck eggs are an excellent source of nutrition. Their dark yellow yolk indicates that they hold more antioxidants, more omega-3 fatty acids, and 50% more vitamin A than chicken eggs. Duck eggs offer more protein than chicken eggs, even taking size into consideration.

    Why did people stop eating duck eggs? ›

    Duck eggs fell out of fashion just after the Second World War when a health scare connected eating duck eggs with outbreaks of salmonella poisoning. The evidence seemed a little thin, but the connection in the public consciousness took hold, and demand for duck eggs plummeted.

    Why is duck unhealthy? ›

    Duck Fat Health Risks

    Before you decide to use duck fat for cooking, keep in mind its high calorie count. One tablespoon of duck fat, which makes up a single serving, contains 113 calories. However, many duck fat recipes use much more than this amount and, as a result, can be surprisingly high in calories.

    Why don't people like duck eggs? ›

    Duck egg whites are harder to whip up because they have a lower water content than chicken egg whites. This lower water content can also make duck eggs rubbery if they are cooked a certain way (hard boiled) or for too long.

    What is the deal with duck eggs? ›

    However you serve them, duck eggs are an excellent source of nutrition. Their dark yellow yolk indicates that they hold more antioxidants, more omega-3 fatty acids, and 50% more vitamin A than chicken eggs.

    Why do we eat more chicken eggs than ducks? ›

    Because chickens are selectively bred for eggs, they lay a lot of them. Because ducks are selectively bred for high fat meat, they don't lay all that many of them.

    What culture eats duck eggs? ›

    The practice of making and eating fertilized duck eggs is a widely known practice in Asia. In the Philippines, “balut” is a popularly known Filipino delicacy which is made by incubating duck eggs for about 18 days.

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