Why You Need an Inspiration Board | Tips for Brides (2024)

I remember when my husband, Jay, and I started planning our own wedding how much time we put into researching, imagining, and making decisions. We loved wedding planning but it was so time-consuming! Between figuring out a budget and searching for the perfect venue and photographer, a bride and groom definitely have their work cut out for themselves. Something I wish I had done early on in our planning to make things easier on ourselves would have been to create an inspiration board. Back then I had no idea how useful an inspiration board could be so today I thought I’d share my thoughts on why I think every bride needs an an inspiration board, what an inspiration board looks like, and how to make one.

Why you need an inspiration board:

I love Pinterest but it sure doesn’t help narrow down any bride’s focus! The more time you spend pinning, the more ideas you have and the more you can start to feel overwhelmed. An inspiration board forces you to really zeroin onhow you want your wedding to look and feel. It forces you to narrow down your collection of images and select only those that truly represent your style. Once you’ve curated your images and created your inspiration board, it will be useful in two main ways. First, you can share it with your vendors so that they have a clear idea of what you’re looking to achieve. And second, an inspiration board will drive the decisions you make regarding your wedding décor. This is so important because you want to make sure that all the detailswill come together in a cohesive way.

So what does this look like?

An inspiration board essentially looks like a collage, only prettier. It includes key decor elements that will bring the design together as well as a color palette to keep the design cohesive. Here’s one I made from Trish and Mike’s wedding last year. They were married at Sandy Hook Chapel and had the most gorgeous rentals and florals by Faye and Renee.

Why You Need an Inspiration Board | Tips for Brides (2)

How to create an inspiration board:

Now that you’re ready to create your inspiration board, here’s how to do it:

  1. Gather your images. Pinterest is great for this! Remember to include images that represent the colors, florals, themes, and style of your wedding. I’m Pinterest-obsessed so be sure to click here for plenty of images for your board.My Pinterest account is always updated and full of pretty wedding inspiration!
  2. Curate, curate, curate. This part is hard if you went a little overboard whengathering your image but curating your collection is the most important step when creating an inspiration board. My suggestion is to choose 8-12 images that truly represent your wedding day vision.
  3. Create your inspiration board. You don’t have to be skilled at Photoshop in order to create your inspiration board. You can just use Canva – it’s free and I’ve made my inspiration board template available for you to use. Click here to access it.
  4. Share your board. Now that you have your inspiration board, don’t forget to share it with your wedding planner, invitation designer, florist, friends, and family members whowill be helping you toachieve your wedding day vision.

Further Reading:

Here are a few useful links for wedding inspiration:

Zola Seasonal Inspiration Boards
The Ultimate List of Wedding Blogs
Burnett’s Boards
Magnolia Rouge Inspiration Boards
Snippet and Ink Inspiration Boards

Have fun creating your inspiration board and if you’re one of my brides, please send me a copy – I love getting a sneak peek at the gorgeous weddings I get to be a part of each year!

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Why You Need an Inspiration Board | Tips for Brides (2024)


Why You Need an Inspiration Board | Tips for Brides? ›

Once you've curated your images and created your inspiration board, it will be useful in two main ways. First, you can share it with your vendors so that they have a clear idea of what you're looking to achieve. And second, an inspiration board will drive the decisions you make regarding your wedding décor.

What is a wedding inspiration board? ›

I'm here to tell you that a wedding mood board is your next best option. A mood board (a.k.a. inspiration board or vision board) visually showcases the look and feel of your wedding by pulling together your favorite inspirational images and colors onto one reference page.

What is the difference between mood board and inspiration board? ›

Here's a handy way to think about the difference between mood boards and inspiration boards: Mood Boards = feeling, conceptualized, psychological. Inspiration Boards = details, colors, textures, specifics.

What should be on a wedding mood board? ›

Creating Wedding Mood Boards

Look for photos that capture the right color scheme, overall theme, preferred venue details, and dress style you would like. A theme, venue, and color palette are larger strokes of the bigger picture.

Why is inspiration board important? ›

An inspiration board or mood board is used to gather 'inspiration' for the design process. Designers use it to find the style for branding a client's business. A lot of designers, including myself, create a Pinterest board and have client's pin images that fit their brand.

What is inspiration board also known as? ›

Sometimes called inspiration boards, mood boards can be used for creating brand designs, product designs, website designs, and pretty much any other type of design project.

Can a mood board be only used for your own inspiration? ›

Mood boards help establish a strong foundation

While many assume mood boards are used as visual inspiration for creative projects, they can also be used for things like competitor analysis(opens in a new tab or window).

What are the disadvantages of mood board? ›

The mood board-based approach to design has a lot of drawbacks. It wastes creative energy, it adds to the overall hom*ogenization in design, it can water down a designer's own creative voice, and often, frankly, it results in ripping off other designers' work.

What does a mood board need to include? ›

A moodboard is a visual tool that helps you communicate your design concepts and ideas. It's a curated collection of images, materials, colour palettes, text, and other elements arranged to evoke a particular style or feeling.

What is the vision board for a wedding? ›

A wedding vision board is a curated compilation of images, colours, patterns, and words collectively representing your envisioned dream wedding. Think of it as a visual roadmap or collage that captures your ideal celebration.

What comes under the inspiration board? ›

An inspiration board essentially looks like a collage, only prettier. It includes key decor elements that will bring the design together as well as a color palette to keep the design cohesive.

How do you make a wedding idea board? ›

Creating a mood board might seem intimidating, but we've broken it down into 5 simple steps!
  1. Step 1: Brainstorm and Establish a Clear Theme. ...
  2. Step 2: Choose Your Format. ...
  3. Step 3: Collect Visual Elements. ...
  4. Step 4: Gather Colors and Fonts. ...
  5. Step 5: Arrange All the Piece.
Dec 7, 2023

How do you make a life inspiration board? ›

How to make a vision board in 4 simple steps
  1. Start with a theme. Every vision board should have a theme. ...
  2. Collect images. If you plan to create a physical board, clip images from magazines or print them from the internet. ...
  3. Make your collage. Arrange your board in a way you think looks good. ...
  4. Keep the vision board close.
Nov 10, 2023

What is a brand inspiration board? ›

A branding mood board is a collection of visual assets—whether that's colors, images, text, photos, or any other kind of visual inspiration—that encompasses who you are as a brand and what kind of brand message you want to put out into the world.

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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

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Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.